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Single user journey for web to app and vice versa


Level 3



I've looked into how a user can be tracked from a mobile app to web i.e through the use of geturlvariables 

But above solution only seems to work for the app to web transition and not vice versa.

How do I ensure that my implementation also tracks a user coming from web to a mobile app and shows that as a single user journey in adobe analytics.

I have implemented Web SDK already


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At this time, there is no solution for what you are asking for... Adobe only has:
App > Web
which essentially results in overwriting the website ECID, if it exists on the Website already.


There is currently no method to force the App to use the Web ECID.



That is short of a custom solution, which may or may not be possible... if anyone has figured out a way, they haven't shared... and that is on my bucket list of potential "take matters into my own hands and build a solution myself" items... I haven't had any time to look into it yet.

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Community Advisor

At this time, there is no solution for what you are asking for... Adobe only has:
App > Web
which essentially results in overwriting the website ECID, if it exists on the Website already.


There is currently no method to force the App to use the Web ECID.



That is short of a custom solution, which may or may not be possible... if anyone has figured out a way, they haven't shared... and that is on my bucket list of potential "take matters into my own hands and build a solution myself" items... I haven't had any time to look into it yet.


Level 3

Thanks @Jennifer_Dungan 

I've been thinking if there was a way to use getUrlVariables API and reverse the solution. Not sure if thats possible though.

Also, in case of any web or app redirects, is it possible that the ECID comes off the url before reaching launch script? If that's a possibility, how do we ensure that it doesn't happen.


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Well there is nothing "out of the box".. that said, Web has a function to append user ids to URLs for cross server stitching.




In theory, If these values can be passed to Deep Links for your App, then you developers should be able to read them...


However, I do not know IF you can force the ECID on the app to be a specific value.. there is no such documentation. This would be where a custom solution would need to be tested... to see if the ECID can be forced, instead of taking the value generated by the Mobile Core....