I'm pulling a null terms report, however, due to bot activity, we're seeing a lot of results coming in as numeric strings. i.e. 0656547899.
How do I create a segment that will exclude these numeric strings from the results? I created a segment using the "does not contain" then specified 1,2,3 and so on. This does exclude these numeric strings, however, it also excludes terms that contain any number which is not what I want.
Is there a way to exclude only the numeric strings while still keeping the terms that contain numbers?
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You could try making a segment that contains letters. Instead of excluding numbers, insist that the item contains a letter. Use "contains any term", which is space delimited, and then just put the whole alphabet separated by spaces like below. This way if it has only numbers it won't be included, but if it has numbers and letters it will be kept.
That's the solution I would have suggested too!
In the future, you will probably get cleaner segments if you use an 'exclude' container instead of 'does not contain'.