I have configured one of my Report Suite data with testing environment data. Which is now ongoing testing.
I would like to know if there is some way that I can purge the report suite current data. And start populating acceptance data in same report suite, to have valid data for acceptance testing.
Sonika Dutta
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You might be able to use the Data Repair API, but that comes with additional costs... it likely isn't worth that...
I've never purged data myself, I keep our dev/qa suite for testing data, and prod for fully tested / vetted releases...
If garbage data does go into prod, I actually have set up my suites with a "Prod" physical suite, and a "Prod - Clean" virtual suite. Basically, I have a "clean" segment that will clean up / remove garbage data... all our reports are made using the Clean Virtual Suite (and since I have a multiple virtual suites to separate out our individual sites, each one of those also includes the "clean segment")
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Hi @Jennifer_Dungan Can you please explain how you have setup clean segment to clear up garbage data?
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Well the segment will have to be customized to your needs.. you know better what data you are trying to purge...
Let's do an easy example, let's say I have a prod site "www.domain.com" and a testing site "qa.domain.com"... and for some reason, I had traffic accidentally send from my test site into my prod suite.
I would create a simple segment of
Hit [
Hit Container (Exclude) [
URL contains qa.domain.com
While I wouldn't normally use an extra container here, this allows me to stack other logic blocks into my "clean" segment later as separate containers (basically I am planning for future expansion of my rules - while I hope not to have to use this often, I know that there will come a time that I will).
Then, I just make sure ALL my virtual report suites, as well as a new vrs specifically designed used only for clean data, use this segment.
So I would have VRSs for:
then I would have another one which is basically just:
The hardest part of this is really just going back and changing all your existing reports to use the new clean vrs.
Thank you so much for explaining neatly, let me try and I will come back with outcome results.
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