we are not building any campaign meters and we need to leverage with the existing architecture
there is a query string parameter appended (Ex: below one) to URL whenever user clicks on a banner on the home page and the banners are rotating carousels
In this case, what i proposed is that, I can pass this to a variable "Tracking Code" and based on this tracking code, I can create processing rule for Campaign type, Campaign ID & Internal (Marketing Channel Processing rule)
also, on the click of the banner, there is already an web interaction call (Link Click Call) that is happening and I would like to implement additional variables like Banner Name & Banner type to capture and store the Banner values in it, which will further used for data analysis
Please share your thoughts on my proposal as well as I'm open for any suggestions
Thanks & Regards,
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I would highly recommend that you keep your Internal Campaigns separate from your External Campaigns (including not counting your internal Campaigns in your Marketing Channels).
Also, if you are tracking on the actual click of the banner, you technically don't need to pass a query string campaign at all... all of the relevant information can be collected on the click of your banner... and if you are trying to get attribution to your conversions (orders or other conversions), if you are using s,products, you can actually create a "Conversion Syntax" merchandising eVar that will retain the information (based on the attribution selected) until the binding event (i.e. Purchase... or maybe you would want it on the Add to Cart, etc).
Now, you can of course use an Internal Campaign in addition to the click tracking, but I would recommend creating a custom eVar (with the Visit expiry), and creating your classifications on this... Also, I recommend Visit, because with Custom Attribution, it's easy to increase the attribution than to decrease it... so if you need to look at a longer attribution like "1 week", you can easily apply this in Workspace.
Marketing Channels are about how people get to your site, once they are there you shouldn't be overriding that information with internal promotion data.... while your internal promotions are important, how users got to your site are also important... and keep in mind, if you have paid campaigns running externally, and you override that with internal promotions, it can be easy to mis-identify that the paid campaigns aren't pulling their weight... you have to be a lot more diligent in looking at cross channel attributions...
Hey @Naveen_KumarPr
Yes, you can pass this query parameter to the tracking code (v0 variable), and yes, you can then create processing based on the parameter to populate the same in another variable for Campaign type, Campaign ID, etc.
Create rules based on Tracking Code to map values:
If s.campaign/tracking code contains Water, then set:
eVarX (Campaign Type) = "Water Campaign"
eVarY (Campaign ID) = "12345"
Additionally, yes, you can also set up an Internal (Marketing Channel Processing rule) when there is a dashboard key = Water in the Page URL Query parameter.
If there is already an web interaction call (Link Click Call) that is happening, you can extend this call to include additional variables for Banner Name and Banner Type. You can pass them to any eVars or Prop as per your requirement.
Hi @Naveen_KumarPr ,
In addition to what @FarazHusain has mentioned, you can use a uniform tracking code structure that aligns with current and future requirements. You can dedicate one field value for each of the campaign type, ID etc. You can also pass some string in tracking code to capture the clicked CTA or banner. Some ID example of tracking code could be like - www.abc.com?intcid=hp|blckfrdy|hero|shopnow
You can download a tracking code generator template as well as get more information on process and best practices from below article.
Hope this helps.
Hi @Naveen_KumarPr You can pass the query string parameter to campaign variable(evar0) as below then you can create a processing rule using tracking code variable then based on the parameter and set the values to respective evar.
I've seen internal campaigns discussed in a few threads and I wanted to ask a more strategic question around reporting. We capture our internal campaigns in an evar and report on marketing channels separately. However, we have some team members who look after both an External and an Internal channel (e.g. popup modals on the website) so want to report total orders and revenue they've driven for what they look after.
Currently they're reported on separately as External channels and then on-site assisting campaigns. We can add an OR segment that looks at both External and Internal for the said team to understand overall performance. Do you have any different thoughts on this since you have experienced a similar setup? Thanks!
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I would highly recommend that you keep your Internal Campaigns separate from your External Campaigns (including not counting your internal Campaigns in your Marketing Channels).
Also, if you are tracking on the actual click of the banner, you technically don't need to pass a query string campaign at all... all of the relevant information can be collected on the click of your banner... and if you are trying to get attribution to your conversions (orders or other conversions), if you are using s,products, you can actually create a "Conversion Syntax" merchandising eVar that will retain the information (based on the attribution selected) until the binding event (i.e. Purchase... or maybe you would want it on the Add to Cart, etc).
Now, you can of course use an Internal Campaign in addition to the click tracking, but I would recommend creating a custom eVar (with the Visit expiry), and creating your classifications on this... Also, I recommend Visit, because with Custom Attribution, it's easy to increase the attribution than to decrease it... so if you need to look at a longer attribution like "1 week", you can easily apply this in Workspace.
Marketing Channels are about how people get to your site, once they are there you shouldn't be overriding that information with internal promotion data.... while your internal promotions are important, how users got to your site are also important... and keep in mind, if you have paid campaigns running externally, and you override that with internal promotions, it can be easy to mis-identify that the paid campaigns aren't pulling their weight... you have to be a lot more diligent in looking at cross channel attributions...