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PowerBI Desktop / Adobe Analytics Connector - Date Granularity Issue


Level 2

Hi All,


When using PowerBi with the 2.0 (Beta) implementation for analytics, whenever I try to add "Year" from "Date Granularity" I am getting this error which seems to be saying that "Year" is a string (I can't see a method to change this either): 




Has anyone encountered this before?



5 Replies


Level 1

I encounter a similar problem. Is there any workaround for this?


Level 1
this should absolutely be fixed and should be part of the MVP, the 2.0 API is useless without it and shouldn't even be released in a beta without it


Level 1

If you have "day of year" as a dimension you can leverage that with YTD (or whatever period you need) segmentation applied.  You'll have to also build a fiscal calendar table to link "day of year" with an actual date. 

This worked on my end but it was very time consuming and doesn't feel like the most stable solution out there.


Level 1

Hi All, hi @alexjbaker11: I have got exactly the same problem here. Did you find a way out of it? Also the segment dimension doesn’t work right..


Level 2

This still seems to be unresolved. Having the same problem particularly with dates.