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page view definition


Level 2

Hi all, I want to make sure I have a full understanding of how and when a page view is calculated. Does the count of a page view require someone to have spent a certain number of  seconds on the page or to have scrolled a specific amount such as 20% of the page. How does this differ for bounce vs single page visit definitions? Thank you!

2 Replies


Level 3

A page view is just a (t()) call.... its up to you when to send them. It was easier years ago when we defined a page view being a unique HTTP request to our servers OR when more than 50% of the visible content changed by a user action.


These days with webApps and infinite scroll features we have moved to more of a breakpoint solution.


Bounce is a single HIT and gone....  1 custom link .ad hoc call will do it.

Single page is just that, 1 page view. Could be 100 calls but only 1 page view.


Hope that helps.


Level 10

Page views will be incremented each time a trackState for mobile SDK or s.t() for analytics SDK are called. (AEP implementation will differ tho). It also needs to be contain either the pageName or page URL or both. If both are missing pageview will not be incremented.




As mentioned in previous reply, standard web page will send s.t() on either Adobe pageBottom event or the DOM READY or PAGE LOAD event.


On single page applications (SPAs) like REACT apps, the page views needs to be defined by you or your business. It can be a a change of content, like repaint of a page or a change in the route/hash of the page. Route and hash change are easy to track as pageview but repaint are not. The best approach for SPA is to use a data layer and ask your developers to update page property and dispatch a PAGE LOAD event. Check this to have an idea on how to implement this: https://dev.to/alcazes/generic-data-layer-1i90