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Missing visitor id in Analytics


Level 1

Hi there,


We have Adobe Analytics connected to our Frontify site through Segment.


Segment is forwarding all page calls from Frontify to Adobe and also sending the user ID with each page call. I can find the user ID as "Visitor ID" in my browser's debugging tool under "General". So, Adobe should be receiving this visitor ID. The Segment user IDs forwarded have this format: 984852fe-491a-407d-940e-77fde755efb1(string of numbers and letters seperated by "-").


However, when I download the visitor IDs from Data Warehouse, they have a different format like 1106681457720459184_7367007776702080739 (string of only numbers separated by "_"). I cannot find the IDs that match the ones I see in my browser debugging tool.


Any idea why this discrepancy exists and how I can find the visitor ID I am looking for?


Thank you!

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