Hello Analytics community,
I am wondering if there is a way to segment based off of the value being shown in a particular metric. I'd like to build it in segment builder and layer over a lot of my existing reports. Heres what i mean:
I want to create a segment of visitors that have viewed XYZ page—simple enough, just create a segment using the "Pages" dimension and filter for the specific page. Using Visitor Scope.
However, what if you only want visitors who have viewed a certain page a certain number of times? Specifically, I want the segment of visitors that have visited XYZ page more than 10 times in the last 30 days. Which dimensions/metrics do i use? What scope/container?
I've played around extensively within the segment builder and tried to research an answer with no luck. Would really appreciate thoughts on this, i'm pretty sure it's possible!
Thanks in advance,