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Indexing Marketing Channels in Data Warehouse


Level 1
I'm currently doing a weekly pull from Data Warehouse for our Data Engineering team that includes Transaction ID broken out by Marketing Channel interactions with Orders as the metric. They've asked that I add a layer that can give a definitive order to the channels viewed for each order. 
I tried adding the Hour dimension to the export to timestamp the channel interactions but the format it delivered in was a time range that I was having trouble deciphering in excel. 
Is there another way to index the channels that I'm missing?


2 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

There have been a few questions lately about understanding the format for date/time columns in data warehouse.

The way that format works is: 1YYMMDDHH, but Adobe does it a bit weird. For month, it starts counting at 0, not 1. So January is 0, February = 1.... December = 11.


Check out this post for more details (and links to other answers).

Solved: Re: Challenges with Adobe Data Warehouse date form... - Adobe Experience League Community - ...


Once you understand how the format works, it's easy enough to use it to sort.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

You could also try using Visit Number and Hit Depth?


Visit Number will increment on each visit, and hit depth will increment within the visit... together they should give you an easy to read order?