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How to test getVisitNum


Level 3

Need to store getVisitNum in an event for this i followed below steps


1. copied getVisitNum plug-in code and pasted in adobe analytics extension -> custom code editor

2. created new data element (Session count)--> custom code --> add code return getVisitNum()

3. in Rule --> event8 = Session count


testing - 


event8 = undefined


guid me how to impliment and test getVisitNum


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

is your analytics / AppMeasurement "s" instance globally accessible?



The problem you are likely facing is that throwing the function in the Analytics custom code will not necessarily attach it to the "s" object.




If you take the code from there, you can see



Since you are trying to access the function from a custom code javascript data element, this will be unreachable unless

a) you define it as function on the "s" object OR



s.getVisitNum = function(rp,erp){...



and call is through s.getVisitNum()

b) define it as window scoped function (this case does not need a globally accesible "s" tracker object)


window.getVisitNum = function(rp,erp){...


and call it through window.getVisitNum()


If you really do not want to use the extension (which I would recommend), I would likely go for option b)

Cheers from Switzerland!

View solution in original post

15 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @reddy_y-11 

are you using Adobe Launch? If so, you do not need to copy the plugin code, but can use "Common Analytics Plugins" extension. This will make sure to always keep the plugin versions up to date (as long as you keep the extension up to date).


Note: You must initialize the right plugin in a rule that loads as soon as the library is loaded



After that, you will be able to get the visit number through the data element



Hope that helps



Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 3

Thanks! @bjoern__koth  for the reply


Note - not using the extension.


Adobe launch - Implimented through custom code in adobe analytics.


How can impliment?




Correct answer by
Community Advisor

is your analytics / AppMeasurement "s" instance globally accessible?



The problem you are likely facing is that throwing the function in the Analytics custom code will not necessarily attach it to the "s" object.




If you take the code from there, you can see



Since you are trying to access the function from a custom code javascript data element, this will be unreachable unless

a) you define it as function on the "s" object OR



s.getVisitNum = function(rp,erp){...



and call is through s.getVisitNum()

b) define it as window scoped function (this case does not need a globally accesible "s" tracker object)


window.getVisitNum = function(rp,erp){...


and call it through window.getVisitNum()


If you really do not want to use the extension (which I would recommend), I would likely go for option b)

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

What keeps you from using the extension

It will be a no-code solution

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

I don't believe that Data Elements can interact with the s object...


I believe that both the extension code, and the setting of your event must be done in the custom code area using the "Do Plugins".



s.usePlugins = true;
function s_doPlugins(s) {
   // typically this is collected as a dimension:
   s.prop1 = getVisitNum();

   // but if you need to track as a numeric event, which I think is not going to work 
   quite right, since your event count will just keep grow exponentially, you would 
   have to append it to the end of your existing event list, so you don't overwrite 
   s.events = s.events ? s.events + ",event8=" + getVisitNum() : "event8=" + getVisitNum();

/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: getVisitNum v4.2 */
function getVisitNum(rp,erp){var a=rp,l=erp;function m(c){return isNaN(c)?!1:(parseFloat(c)|0)===parseFloat(c)}function n(c){var b=new Date,e=isNaN(c)?0:Math.floor(c);b.setHours(23);b.setMinutes(59);b.setSeconds(59);"w"===c&&(e=6-b.getDay());if("m"===c){e=b.getMonth()+1;var a=b.getFullYear();e=(new Date(a?a:1970,e?e:1,0)).getDate()-b.getDate()}b.setDate(b.getDate()+e);"y"===c&&(b.setMonth(11),b.setDate(31));return b}if("-v"===a)return{plugin:"getVisitNum",version:"4.2"};var f=function(){if("undefined"!==typeof window.s_c_il)for(var c=0,b;c<window.s_c_il.length;c++)if(b=window.s_c_il[c],b._c&&"s_c"===b._c)return b}();"undefined"!==typeof f&&(f.contextData.getVisitNum="4.2");window.cookieWrite=window.cookieWrite||function(c,b,e){if("string"===typeof c){var a=window.location.hostname,d=window.location.hostname.split(".").length-1;if(a&&!/^[0-9.]+$/.test(a)){d=2<d?d:2;var h=a.lastIndexOf(".");if(0<=h){for(;0<=h&&1<d;)h=a.lastIndexOf(".",h-1),d--;h=0<h?a.substring(h):a}}g=h;b="undefined"!==typeof b?""+b:"";if(e||""===b)if(""===b&&(e=-60),"number"===typeof e){var f=new Date;f.setTime(f.getTime()+6E4*e)}else f=e;return c&&(document.cookie=encodeURIComponent(c)+"="+encodeURIComponent(b)+"; path=/;"+(e?" expires="+f.toUTCString()+";":"")+(g?" domain="+g+";":""),"undefined"!==typeof window.cookieRead)?window.cookieRead(c)===b:!1}};window.cookieRead=window.cookieRead||function(c){if("string"===typeof c)c=encodeURIComponent(c);else return"";var b=" "+document.cookie,a=b.indexOf(" "+c+"="),d=0>a?a:b.indexOf(";",a);return(c=0>a?"":decodeURIComponent(b.substring(a+2+c.length,0>d?b.length:d)))?c:""};a=a?a:365;l="undefined"!==typeof l?!!l:m(a)?!0:!1;var p=(new Date).getTime();f=n(a);if(window.cookieRead("s_vnc"+a))var d=window.cookieRead("s_vnc"+a).split("&vn="),k=d[1];if(window.cookieRead("s_ivc"))return k?(window.cookieWrite("s_ivc",!0,30),k):"unknown visit number";if("undefined"!==typeof k)return k++,d=l&&m(a)?p+864E5*a:d[0],f.setTime(d),window.cookieWrite("s_vnc"+a,d+"&vn="+k,f),window.cookieWrite("s_ivc",!0,30),k;d=m(a)?p+864E5*a:n(a).getTime();window.cookieWrite("s_vnc"+a,d+"&vn=1",f);window.cookieWrite("s_ivc",!0,30);return"1"};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/

(Note: the event code checks if there is anything in events, if so it will append event8 to the end of that list, if there is nothing, then it will set s.events (without the separation comma)


Keep in mind, that this won't get the user's full Visit Number, this is merely code that sets a cookie and tracks the visits as of that cookie... if the cookie is removed, the values will reset... and right now, JS cookies like this tend to be flaky with all the "anti-cookie" stuff that browsers are doing... particularly JS set cookies vs cookies set by a server (which still have a little more authority....).


Community Advisor

You can also access the s object within the Set Variables action, so if you don't want to use Do Plugins, you can set your event in your Rule, in the custom code area of your AA Set Variables....


Community Advisor

It really depends on how it is approached and where you place the code.
I would definitely go for the extension and included data element type, then there is no discussion

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

Yeah, and if you aren't a coder, this will make things a lot simpler


Community Advisor

Have you set the visibility of the s object to global in the extension? (one of my first screenshots)

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

Feels like we're turning in circles

What keeps you from using the extension with the plugin? It also has a bunch of other useful extensions that might be interesting for you. No need for copy+pasting code.


i would at least give it a try. That way, you can also keep the s object hidden

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor

Without seeing the implementation or where the issue is I am not sure I can help diagnose... 


Are you testing with Incognito mode? If so, you won't have a pre-existing cookie to read from.. could that be the issue?


Can you first check if a cookie is being set by the plugin code?


Also, I agree with Bjorn... using the extension would be a lot easier.... is there a reason you are avoiding that?


Level 3

Thanks All for your suggestions.

we will impliment this changes through extension only.