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How to add 100+ values as filters while building segments?


Community Advisor

I have to build a segment in adobe analytics where I have to add 1000 values for example as below:Filter Segment.png


I dont want to add 1000 individual lines to add the values company name equals = xxx

Any hack to solve this problem?

3 Replies



You could set up to 500 items to input field with "equals any of" operator. The input field for this operator is comma-delimited.

So, how about over two "equals any of" input fields use for that? You can make it with "Or" condition.


Level 1

How about this:

  1. Create a simple classification of "Company Name" called, say, "Company Group" (or whatever makes sense to you).
  2. Create a spreadsheet where each company that needs to be in your segment has a "Company Group" value of "yes".
  3. Upload the spreadsheet using the Classification Importer.
  4. Create a segment where "Company Group" = "yes" and use that instead of a cumbersome and hard to manage segment with 1,000 individual company names.

As an added plus, if you ever need to make changes to your list of companies you can simply change the spreadsheet and re-upload it.


Level 4

Hey @JyotiSharmaV  You should use "equals any of" operator as it Returns items that match exactly for any value in the input field (up to 500 items).

For example, entering “Search Results, Homepage” with this operator would match “Search Results” and “Homepage”, and count as 2 items.

The input field for this operator is comma-delimited. 

Returns items that match exactly for any value in the input field (up to 500 items).

For example, entering “Search Results, Homepage” with this operator would match “Search Results” and “Homepage”, and count as 2 items. The input field for this operator is comma-delimited.


Here is a video which would help : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics-learn/tutorials/components/segmentation/equals-any...