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How Adobe Analytics accesses a company's intranet SFTP


Level 2

I have an SFTP server in-house, and I have configured the destination in my Data Feed in Adobe Analytics to target SFTP, but how do I configure the whitelist so that it can access my SFTP intranet?

14 Replies


Adobe Champion

Hi @leozh1 ,

You can look up the IP address from this link based on the region your company is located in. For example if your organization data center is located in Australia, you need to whitelist below IP address. Hope this helps!


IP addresses used by Experience Cloud





Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

If your SFTP is truly Intranet, this means it's behind a firewall... Adobe will not be able to access it unless you add Adobe's IP addresses as a whitelist.


Note that Adobe's IPs could potentially change, so this would be something you would need to monitor.


As @igupta mentioned, there is a list of IP Ranges available from here.. depending on what you are doing though, it might be that the process isn't considered "Experience Cloud"... but I would start with those IPs and test.


Good Luck.


Adobe Champion

I remembered from @Jennifer_Dungan reply and this may or may not be relevant but it's related to the context. When I was setting Data Feed in my system, the port on which Adobe Analytics sends SFTP data is set by default to port 22. I reached out to customer care to modify the port on my feed, to the one system was set to receive. So, just in case, you are looking to send data to a destination which supports a port other than 22, you would need to reach out to customer care.


Level 2


1.I have whitelisted these hosts.


2.I have also configured the SFTP in the location using the custom port number 2222 and downloaded the RSA key into the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the SFTP machine. The SFTP is set up using Windows' own OpenSSH, and both the inbound and outbound rules are set to 2222.



3.Now, when subscribing to the data feed, I encounter an error, and the error message is not detailed enough. How can I resolve this?







Community Advisor

Hi @leozh1 

your general setup looks ok. Not 100% sure about whether the IP ranges will be the same as the data collection servers.



I would reach out to support for more details on the error. Maybe they can see something in the logs. 

Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 2

Thank you very much, and I hope for a prompt response.


Level 2

my sftp IP is private. Is this the right?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @leozh1 this looks like a continuation of your original post https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-questions/how-adobe-analytics-acces... so I am going to merge these posts.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I agree with @bjoern__koth, Client Care will be able to dig into this deeper than any of us can..


They should be able to do some tracing into the issue, and work with your (and maybe your devops team) to figure out if there are additional whitelisting that needs to happen.


I suspect that the documented IP ranges are out of date? Or maybe the whitelisting isn't working quite right yet... They should be able to run tests from the Adobe servers and work to resolve the connection issues.


Good Luck!


Community Advisor

Especially since it's China, it may have to be set up differently.

let us know if support had some answers 

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I just noticed one thing.... the IPs in your screenshot are listed as the "Regional Data Collection" servers... I think that the server that would be creating reports (and creating the FTP/SFTP connection) would be a different server... 


On the Document that @igupta provided, China isn't listed in the main list of FTP IP Blocks.. that might mean they are using a different FTP server for you... I would expect something relatively close geographically... so maybe Australia, India, Japan or Singapore....  Client Care should be able to tell you which FTP server your account would be leveraging.


Adobe Champion

I think he referred to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/technotes/ip-addresses this for IP addresses for China. Funnily enough, I omitted sharing this link thinking the OP is looking to whitelist data from somewhere else other than China.

And I completely agree with both @bjoern__koth  & @Jennifer_Dungan that client care might be able to help. I ran into similar issue in the past while setting up data feed. For me, changing the port worked but they they may also provide you with additional IPs to whitelist based on your location.





Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Yep, I found the page where those IPs were posted... but it's very clearly marked as the Data Collection Servers... not the FTP servers (which are often different servers). The original page says "Data Collection and FTP", but there is no mention of FTP on the China servers... I suspect that those are servers just dedicated to collection, but not reporting?? Especially with the note:


These servers apply to AppMeasurement libraries only.

This makes me believe that a different server is being used for the FTP/SFTP... I'm just not sure which one.



Hi @leozh1  Did you find the suggestions helpful? Let us know if you need any further information! If the solution works for you, please mark the answer as correct to help others. And if you’ve found your own solution, we’d love for you to share it with the community. Thank you!