Is there any way to hide out-of-the-box dimensions provided by Adobe in Workspace, for example the Customer Loyalty dimension?
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Absolutely! You have multiple options:
Thank you! I think the Admin Console option is the most relevant one for us.
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Yes. You can customize which Dimensions and Metrics are available to users via the Admin Console. In your Product Profiles, there is menu of options:
Within Permissions, there are 5 categories of permission types:
Generally Metrics and Dimensions are set to "Auto-include" which allows any new items to be automatically available to people... but you can curate both of these lists.
However, be warned that if you do curate the lists, every time you add new custom dimensions or events, they will have to be manually added to all your Product Profiles to be usable; the same goes for any new items added by Adobe.
If you do go this route, I suggest making at least 2 product profiles... one for Admins that have "auto-included" and one for your users where you can curate their access.. this way you don't miss any important updates.
Virtual Report Suites also allow you to curate Dimensions and Metrics.
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Ok, thank you for the quick response, then I will consider this option.