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Getting "Instances" metrics via the Adobe Reporting API


Level 1

We are trying to find a way to get the "Instances" metrics w/o any elements breakdown via reporting API.

We think this should be possible since it seems to be available via the Adobe UI.

So far we've tried calling the https://api5.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=Report.Queue

with the following param:

{"reportDescription": {"elements": [], "dateGranularity": "day", "dateTo": "2018-10-04", "dateFrom": "2018-09-27", "metrics": [{"id": "instances"}], "reportSuiteID": "<report suite>"}}

and get the following error:

status code: 400, error: metric_unsupported_in_overtime, error_description: Metric "instances" not supported in overtime reports

Is there any other way that we can get this metric via the API?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

I had the same issue and couldn't solve it within the API call.

What worked for me: create a calculated metric with just the desired "instance". pulling data for that new calculated metric (exchange "instances" by the new id "cm_xxx") and you can get the data.

Maybe you change to API 2.0 which will be released in the next days. I expect that you are able to pull instance reports over the new API without any problems ...

View solution in original post

1 Reply


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

I had the same issue and couldn't solve it within the API call.

What worked for me: create a calculated metric with just the desired "instance". pulling data for that new calculated metric (exchange "instances" by the new id "cm_xxx") and you can get the data.

Maybe you change to API 2.0 which will be released in the next days. I expect that you are able to pull instance reports over the new API without any problems ...