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Error in Report


Level 1

We have an Error in the report. We can not see any data. Error Code 4cfc9835-bc6d-4218-bd32-434b05e26c37


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 6

 Hi @carstenr5279335 ,


I have checked the error logs & found that in this scenario the error happening due to an invalid date format. Below is the error description which I have received in the logs.

errorCode=invalid_parameters errorDescription=Date range format expected as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss/yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:MM:ss

Please make sure that you are using date in the correct format.


Hope this helps.



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8 Replies


Level 3

Hi Please make sure that your browser settings are not blocking 3rd Party Cookies.


The error usually occurs when you try to open Analytics in a Private window.

If the error continues please try doing the following:

Clear browser cache and cookies

Try using a different browser


Usually, it's CPS error issues related to Privacy Policies or updates on the browser data policies.


Correct answer by
Level 6

 Hi @carstenr5279335 ,


I have checked the error logs & found that in this scenario the error happening due to an invalid date format. Below is the error description which I have received in the logs.

errorCode=invalid_parameters errorDescription=Date range format expected as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss/yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:MM:ss

Please make sure that you are using date in the correct format.


Hope this helps.




Level 2
Note: I also got this error message, but in my case, the date format was correct. Turns out that the same message is triggered if you pass a non-existing date! (e.g. 2021-04-31T00:00:00.000/2021-05-15T23:59:59.999: April 31 2021 doesn't exist)


Level 4

This is coming due to Incorrect date format used in your report. You should be using Date range format as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss/yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:MM:ss



@sbellone  - There could be multiple reasons on getting the error in the reports. The scenario mentioned above(invalid date format) is specific to error code:4cfc9835-bc6d-4218-bd32-434b05e26c37.


Would you mind sharing your error Id/Code? With the help of the error code, the Client Care team will be able to check the error logs in the back-end.


Level 2
Thanks for the answer. Yes I understood that the message was linked to that specific scenario, but I wanted to warn users that this message can also be used in other scenarios that don't match exactly the error message. I've reproduced my error, you can look for the error id 58353e47-e570-4f94-91b2-b4d32939a290. As I said, the associated error message is about an inivalid date format, while the error is actually about an invalid date (2021-04-31). If your engineers could fine-tune this message, it would have been helpful for me :). Thanks.


@sbellone - Thanks for the error code. I have checked the logs and yes, you are right it gives an error "Date range format expected as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss/yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:MM:ss". It considered non-existing date (2021-04-31) as well as invalid format as per the logic/algorithm in the back-end. I will share feedback internally that the error message should be more specific.


Level 2
@metripat Thanks for confirming and sharing the feedback!