Hi all is it possible to export data dictionary in adobe workspace to a excel file ?
Hi RohitNa1
As far as i'm concerned there is no feature that enables you to directly export the data dictionary from AA (yet). I tried looking through the documentation. But there might be other API-based tools that can do that. I can't really remember any off the top of my head.. But I will check up on it
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Hey @RohitNa1, Unfortunately, this is not currently supported, as mentioned by @Martinej . Also, I don't think we have any API exposed to it. You can upvote this idea - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-ideas/export-adobe-analytics-dictio... such that product team consider this feature request in the future releases.
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Hi @RohitNa1 ,
I remember trying something like this in past using some third party tool.Can't recall which one was that. You may consider using Observepoint SDR Builder or Adobe Configuration Export
Reference blog by @Jennifer_Kunz - https://www.digitaldatatactics.com/index.php/2018/02/02/new-industry-tool-adobe-configuration-export...
I think these tools only download report suite variable configurations, just like report suite API. Not sure if these are exposed to a data dictionary as we don't have a public API for the same. An idea to expose API is also logged in the community - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-ideas/expose-the-adobe-analytics-da...
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Oh wow, that was on old post:). That tool does still work as far as I know, though, as pointed out, only shows your variable configurations.
There is another third party tool that can also show you all your components (calculated metrics, segments, workspace projects, etc) and when/how they're used- see https://thebounce.io/free-version-of-the-adobe-analytics-component-manager-for-google-sheets-e398731... or https://datacroft.de/en/component-manager/.
@RohitNa1 - I just realized that the question was for Data Dictionary in workspace. I thought it was concerned with variable configurations in report suite, hence my incorrect reply! Apologies for my misunderstanding.
As everyone else has stated, there isn't a way to download the data dictionary the way you would like it to. But if you are only looking for components list, you can actually get that by inspecting the HTML, copy the parent element then use any HTML stripper available online and copy the results in excel. This is manual process of course. You can also use bit of JavaScript to print the labels on console or copy results in excel. This may/may not work as the solution that you are looking for, but I just thought of sharing the idea.
const labelElements = document.querySelectorAll('.an-ItemsListItem-labelsContainer .an-ItemsListItem-label[data-title="true"]');
const labels = Array.from(labelElements).map(element => element.textContent.trim());
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There isnt a button in Workspace to download them all but I have been able to get similar to what you are asking for with and API query. The documentation for this is here: https://adobedocs.github.io/analytics-2.0-apis/#/Calculated%20Metrics
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