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Best way to identify Report Suites not in use anymore?


Level 2

Our company has dozens of report suites, since then we have consolidated and moved to few VRS suites and we're considering deleting the old report suites but wanted to confirm that those old report suites are not in any use before we actually remove them. What is the best way to do this?





11 Replies


Adobe Champion

Hi @BrandonGo1 ,


You can try using Adobe Health dashboards to validate health of various report suites.







Level 2

unfortunately that link/page is blocked by my company, is there anything I can do within the adminconsole and/or Adobe Analytics' admin page?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

In the Admin panel you can download a server call report.


Admin > All Admin > Server Call Usage (I think Server Call Usage may also appear directly in the Admin drop menu)


Click on the Report Suite Usage tab.


You can see here the server calls for your entire current contract, but you can get a monthly breakdown by downloading the report (which can help determine sites that may have had recent tracking and have now stopped...)

Click on the checkbox next to "Report Suite Name" header, and a "Download Reports" link will appear:




While there may be old suites that have a handful of data coming in (likely from old cached versions of those sites), you should be able to determine which are active and which are not... 


Level 2

Thanks Jennifer. I already used the Server Call Usage report, I do see that there's been millions of hits/calls to the report suite but I'm trying to find the usage from audience side. I want to know how many users are accessing dashboards with this specific report suite. If those dashboards are not in use anymore/no longer required, then we'd like to remove them.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @BrandonGo1 ,

You can leverage "Usage and Access Logs" to determine what actions/usage is being performed for different report_suite.

Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/admin/admin-tools/logs



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

In that case, use the Admin logs to see who is accessing that suite.


Admin > All Admin > Logs



I believe the best option for this would be the Usage & Access Log





Level 2

this looked like the perfect solution however for some reason when I access the logs - I see that anytime someone views a dashboard, the corresponding report suite is showing as N/A in every case so I cant filter for the specific report suite I want to see. Screenshot below for an example:


Any idea what might be going on here? I guess I will ask Adobe Support to see if they can provide usage metrics.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

That's weird... I see the same thing... but I know this used to work.... but I haven't used this for some time.. I wonder if the ability for Projects to load multiple suites made this column not work right (as in the column may only support a single value...)


It's not ideal, but you could pull a report filtered to "Workspace Project" then look into what suites are attached to those workspaces? Maybe the Workspace API could be leveraged?


Definitely try Client Care, they may have a way to pull this info for you quickly and easily.


Good luck!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @BrandonGo1,

One point to add to Jen's comment, you can't actually truly delete report suites. You can hide them (in admin settings there is an option for "hide report suite"), but never fully delete them. They will still collect any calls that are sent to them (and you'll still be billed for those calls). So, if you're going to hide report suites because they're no longer in use, you should also work with your implementation team to stop data calls going into those report suites. 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

This is very true! Suites can't be deleted... only access to them removed, and the suites themselves hidden....


Level 2

good to know - thanks Mandy