Hi, I see that the Organic traffic has hiked up from 1807 visits to 2134 visits, 2292 visits, 2433 visits correspondingly and again has dipped to 1628 visits and 1208 visits in a week.1. Where can we check what caused the traffic hike and dip suddenly in the same week?2. I see a huge difference in t...
Hi, When I add add a secondary dimension (Site section) to a page report in data warehouse the table just ads 1 'site section' column and the values in it vary accordingly. I am trying to replicate this in a Workspace free table. The problem is when add a secondary dimension in Workspace or Ad hoc r...
I am trying to see a particular funnel (say fallout report of page A -> page B). My hypothesis is different version of android / ios will have different drops (users not going from A to B) with latest version having the higher drop_percentage. Currently, I do it by creating segment for each version,...
Hi there,What happens if two CID parameters are included in url?Our ad agency implemented Campaign id like this below as a mistake... I think.Is it possible to track the performance of each campaign by using multiple CIDs?Does anyone have this experience? examples url:/es/tvs?cid=ppc_google_170101&c...
Hi All,We have implemented analytics for Desktop & Mobile devices But on Mobile we observe that eVar & props are not capturing the data properly If it’s in Desktop browser , we open developer tool & in network tab using “b/ss” filter we can confirm if the adobe serve call triggered with proper data ...
I have a general page load to setup some variables for all pages and I also have another thankyou page load rule to setup additional variables when the thankYou page is loaded. In the general page load rule, I didn't exclude thank you page. If I setup like this, Am I going to double count the page v...
I have checked under Analytics > Components > Scheduled Projects, But in the Scheduled Projects Manager I am not able to edit my scheduled project to add new mail id's to delivery list. Is there any option to edit scheduled workspace project?