I've been working on implementing Enhanced Measurement in Google Analytics 4 for our UniformMarket website to gain deeper insights into user interactions. However, I've encountered an issue that I'm struggling to resolve.I've followed the documentation provided by Google for enabling Enhanced Measur...
According to Adobe documentation, Adobe Visitor ID's/cookies expire after 2 years. Or for customers who delete their cookies, the Visitor ID can be re-used after 1 year, but not if it's within 1 year.We're seeing (a small percent) of visitor ID's show up again with the same visit numbers after only ...
Hi there, Just wondering if there's any official time expectation on when a file is uploaded via Data source FTP upload, versus via Data Insertion API. For example, if I upload a file / submit through Data Insertion API, how long can I expect to see the data show up in AA reports? Thanks.
Hi!We are trying to give our stakeholders more details on our referrals to the sites.One of the details we would like to offer is a break out of Google Search vs Google Discover.Is there a way of discerning this through Adobe Analytics?Thank you
I'm trying to create a calculated metric based on a percentage increase over an existing metric. For example, I want to calculate a 10% increase over page visits in the same month last year. So let's say there were 10,000 page visits in April 2023, and I want the metric to spit out the answer to 10,...
Is there any way for me to programatically retrigger Adobe Data Feed, when there is a downstream failure? E.g. 1. Data feed has been set up succesfully, it runs daily (and 99% of times it runs just fine)2. Data feed zip file is received successfully over FTP3. Something goes sour downstream in zip p...
Hi All, Anyone done poc/pov/implementation for Google consent mode v2 implementation using Adobe launch . I got some soultion using below codegtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });but anyone recent done same approach. Thanks & Regards,Madhusudan S...
Hi all, does anyone have experience with getting Eloqua data into AA? Any suggested preferred approaches like Data Sources, API, 3rd-party providers?What kind of data is actually available?Any suggestions and links highly appreciated Best regards from SwitzerlandBjörn
Need assistance on below pointers:1. What is the best approach to configure campaign parameters in case of apps? Can we configure UTM parameters or campaign context data in lifecycle metrics call itself.2. If there is any Mobile SDK Implementation document to configure marketing channel campaign par...