I'm using Data Insertion Api GET
in the Documentation the api is
they said that the zero is referred to indicates that the data submission requires JavaScript processing
--> this will return response like that ::
is there is any one know what is this response ?
and this url with zero rather than 10 after the {{rsid}} will return no response the question is why ?
I didn't found any information about 10 after the {{rsid}}
the other question is how long should i wait for see the result in adobe analytics .
and why that value not removed even after it the report received something there is no No Analytics link generated ?
I have an issue that I don't know why if I call the data insertion api from the code I mean locally not recognized in analytics
but if i open a browser with a new window it will count why is that ... how can i validate that my sequence is right ?
Thanks for your help in advance
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@atef00 wrote:
--> this will return response like that ::{"status":"SUCCESS","id":"318EF14475C63EE0-4000095F271D3FFC"}is there is any one know what is this response ?
I'm not sure why you're using "/10" instead of "/0" (or "/6", if you're sending a HTTP POST request). This is probably an incorrect request, so the response might not be sensible.
@atef00 wrote:
and this url with zero rather than 10 after the {{rsid}} will return no response the question is why ?
It could be that you're sending an incorrect request. I noticed that you only have 3 parameters in your URL: "pe" and "tnta" and "mcid".
@atef00 wrote:
the other question is how long should i wait for see the result in adobe analytics .
and why that value not removed even after it the report received something there is no No Analytics link generated ?
The data should show up in Adobe Analytics immediately. But I noticed that you're showing a screenshot from Adobe Target. Adobe Target is not the same as Adobe Analytics, even if you are using Adobe Analytics as the reporting source in Adobe Target. Double-check your Adobe Analytics itself to see if your test hits are being reported.
@atef00 wrote:
I have an issue that I don't know why if I call the data insertion api from the code I mean locally not recognized in analytics
but if i open a browser with a new window it will count why is that ... how can i validate that my sequence is right ?
Double-check that your code is building the correct Data Insertion API request. Maybe you can output the request that is being sent, and then open that in your browser. Then you're ensuring that you're testing the correct API request.
this is sample from delivery-api documentation : as you can see there is only 3 required pe,tnta,mcid
Sample A4T Data Insertion HTTP Get Call:
the other question is how can I get my analytics in adobe analytics directly I don't understand if there is a link generated and I clicked in the link will open that activity reports in adobe analytics
but my question is why if I took that generated data-insertion-api that my code is calling and open that url in browser adobe target will listen to that request and increase hits so maybe I'm doing something wrong what are the factors that can affect hits ?
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It's quite difficult to understand your message. It looks like you're copying-pasting messages, so everything gets jumbled up and badly formatted. If someone else is passing you messages to post here, then maybe you can ask that person to write here directly instead.
Can you please provide the link to the developer documentation that you guys are referring to?
I'm sorry that you received that feeling that we are copying and pasting we are not ... and we appreciate your help in our issue
first of all this is a delivery api that we are using and we are trying to implement Adobe Analytics for Target from server side.
let me raise the issue again. we are trying to call the data insertion api and replace all place holders like the value of rsid and the value of mcid and the value of tnta "with appropriate values"
but when we call it and see in our logs that everything is running correctly with success and 200 status code
but there is no thing happened in adobe analytics "our report metrics is not changing"
I tried to take the request of data insertion api alone with the appropriate values from the logs see the request above .... after maybe 30 mins the report metrics changed and unique visitors increased by one . I wonder why this is happening ?
Thanks dor your reply and your help
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@atef00 wrote:
I'm sorry that you received that feeling that we are copying and pasting we are not ... and we appreciate your help in our issue
Thanks for resending your message!
If I understand your work so far, you have managed to call the Adobe Target Delivery API to retrieve the Analytics payload. And now, you are using that payload to use with Adobe Analytics Data Insertion API.
@atef00 wrote:
first of all this is a delivery api that we are using and we are trying to implement Adobe Analytics for Target from server side.
let me raise the issue again. we are trying to call the data insertion api and replace all place holders like the value of rsid and the value of mcid and the value of tnta "with appropriate values"
but when we call it and see in our logs that everything is running correctly with success and 200 status code
Firstly, in that Adobe Target developer doc, it's stated that the "/0" should be used. So I don't know why you're using "/10". It might be a mistake.
Secondly, I noticed that the Data Insertion URL used in the Adobe Target developer doc includes "CODEVERSION", whereas the Data Insertion API doc itself does not. (Reference: https://github.com/AdobeDocs/analytics-1.4-apis/blob/master/docs/data-insertion-api/sample_code/r_sa...) In a normal Adobe Analytics hit (e.g. from a website), CODEVERSION refers to the version of the AppMeasurement.js tracking file that is being used. This has a specific format. But it looks like the Data Insertion API doesn't require this. So I suggest that you remove "CODEVERSION" from your URL. I.e. instead of
I believe you have populated the "pe", "tnta" and "mcid" parameters properly, so those should be good.
@atef00 wrote:
but there is no thing happened in adobe analytics "our report metrics is not changing"
I tried to take the request of data insertion api alone with the appropriate values from the logs see the request above .... after maybe 30 mins the report metrics changed and unique visitors increased by one . I wonder why this is happening ?
Thanks dor your reply and your help
Try making the 2 changes that I had mentioned above:
Then send your Data Insertion API request again. Then, do the following to check your data:
The reason for waiting 24 hours is that there is a delay between when data is processed by Target and Analytics. See the "Note" box at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/integrate/a4t/reporting.html?lang=en.
Hope all of that helps you in troubleshooting this problem.
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how can I double check that ?
what should i open in adobe analytics is there any pre request to do before hitting and counting the results.
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Is there anybody at your company who is familiar with Adobe Analytics? It might be easier for you to work with that person to run report(s) and see if your data has been collected properly.
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Hi @yuhuisg - I am working with @atef00 on this problem as we work for the same company.
After doing some progress, the problem is that we only see "Unique Visitors" and "Visits" being populated on A4T. If we put "PageView" we just see zeroes and rest assured that the audience for the experiment receives pageView hits:
While looking at the same documentation you've been referring to, I can see there the Adobe hit template:
We already applied your recommendations but we still see no PageViews so that makes me wonder if we need to send a full payload like we do on a normal Web SDK hit request. Also, should the URL be sent Unicode escaped?
Hope this makes sense
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Are you sending any Pageview hits with the Data Insertion API?
So far, in this thread, there have only been the discussion around calling the Data Insertion API to send Target-related hits. This allows Analytics to connect its data with Target's data.
I had assumed that you were sending other Analytics hits (Pageviews, Custom Links, etc) normally with the Data Insertion API. If you aren't, then you won't be able to generate any report with those Analytics hit types.
If you're sending Analytics hits by other Adobe-recommended means, e.g. the Mobile SDK, then Analytics should be able to report your Pageviews and other Analytics metrics with your Target data. If that's not happening for you, then I suggest that you raise this with Client Care for them to investigate further.
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