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Hi everyone, I am new to AEP Web SDK and I am trying to migrate some of our codes.
How can I able to implement the manual sending of beacon and manual clearing of variables in AEP Web SDK? Attached image is my current implementation in AA. Thank you.
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With the AEP Web SDK, it is a whole new way of tracking !
i recommend to use the extension Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK and the "Send event" action (see my screenshot)
For clearVars(), i am currently working on my migration and i think, it is no longer needed but it depend on your website and technology.
Best regards
Hi @cserrurier
But I have another custom code in the Set Variables that is also in the same rule that uses Data Element. So in one Action, I have two ways of setting. First is, by manually sending beacon. Second is, using a data element. Would you recommend that I separate this two? Should I make another rule for my currently manual sending of beacon implementation and use the "Send Event" action?
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It is difficult to answer without the code.
Can you share a screenshot of your Custom code Action ?
Best regards
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here is my code. the "pre-sorted" functions as a different event(since it is coming from other page), it has a separate beacon event2. while for the "user sorted" i have append that in my link click event, so when it is "user sorted" event2, event10 will trigger.
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Thanks for sharing.
I always recommend to separate action in different rules so i think, you can set 2 rules, condition on your dataElement %preSortingTrackin% and using the extension actions as possible.
Best regards
The concept of clear vars and set vars is used for evars and props when you implement adobe analytics however if you are sending data to AEP using web sdk evars and props are no longer required you have to create a schema instead.
check out this adobe analytics data collection migration to web sdk tutorial for more details
Kindly check these below tutorials it will help you:
Also for sending event we can use custom code, like mentioned in below documentation
So, suppose some time it become difficult to use extension, then we can use custom code and send the alloy event on the basis of the type.
for what it's worth, the probably quickest way to migrate your code would be using (this is what I typically do for all new clients)
content.__adobe = content.__adobe || { };
content.__adobe.analytics = content.__adobe.analytics || { };
let s = content.__adobe.analytics;
s.eVar99 = "hello world";
// no need for linkTrackEvents and linkTrackVars anymore!!!
s.events = "event10,event25";
This approach will essentially fill the data.__adobe.analytics part of the request's payload.
Hope that helps
hi @bjoern__koth thanks for your input. But upon checking on my end, I think we don't have that "Data" setting. and we only have "XDM" in rules
It seems like you're using an old version of web SDK extension this feature is available as part of the recent new release in web SDK extension try updating your extension to get this.
Hi @Ankit_Chaudhary yes, i think that's why I am not getting that feature. Our Web SDK extension has an upgrade available. I will surely try this implementation once our team have upgraded the extension. Thank you so much.
Also, thanks @bjoern__koth appreciate your insights.
yes, it was just introduced with the last version. Make sure to update the extension
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