Hi everyone,
not sure if anyone has encoutnted simliar issues. We are running always on cmpaings in 2024 with a pause in summer. Everything is the same but after we relancuh in Sep/ Oct, there is a huge drop in website visit (only 1/10 of what we have before while click number is consistent)
It is strange that the drop off happen in some EU countires but less severe in APAC. Any thougths on that? Thanks so much.
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Hey @DaphneNgPTM ,
I think seasonality is very relevant to the industry as well. For example, if it's a B2B industry, it would only see most of the traffic during weekdays and office days and less on public holidays. Whereas if it's for example a pizza store, you will get most of the traffic during holidays. Unless there is a technical issue, I would say to look into past data and see if the behavior is consistent? Probably it's worth checking the trend of similar industries across globe and of course while taking seasonality in perspective.
It's an interesting discussion nonetheless and I would love to hear what other community experts think!
Thanks for stirring up the conversation.
thanks a lot for that. we have considered the seasonal change
Also, for the no. of clicks on the paid media banners, it is a lot more in sep/ oct comapirng to H1 but the visit is only 1/10 of it on monthly average or even less!
Like @igupta said, seasonality is likely a big factor. Other things I would check:
Is your overall site traffic down as well? Basically, could it be something impacting the whole site, or just the campaign. Check other campaigns to see if they have lower traffic now compared to before as well.
Has anything changed with tracking permissions? Was a new option added to opt out of tracking in some regions?
What are you using to measure the campaign? If you're using the instances metric, then it likely isn't an impact. But if you have something like visits, then you need to consider the persistence of the campaign. Does it persist beyond the end of the visit? If it does, then a lot of your traffic from before the break could be due to persistence and not new hits.
Many thanks for your input.
we checked the data on paid serach and we dont see the same trend. also the drop only happen to certain EU markets.
There are no changes on the set up and permission
Is it possible that something broke when it was relaunched? Was the tracked added the same way? Did someone capitalize/lower case something that made a change? I would check with your marketing team and get a list of the campaign IDs, make sure that they are exactly the same. From there, I would try to replicate the issue. Find a way to get the campaign to pop up and click on it to go to your site, then look at the analytics for that particular hit/visit and see if there is something going on. Look at the call in your debugger, see what is firing; then use your visitor ID and look at the hit in workspace, see if anything changed in the processing.
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