

Adobe Analytics Dimensions and Measures missing in Power BI


Level 1

I am working in Power BI to import data from an Adobe Analytics project.


A few issues - I have a dimension called "Download Link" in adobe analytics, and it is not showing up in the power bi connector list.

Adobe Analytics : 



Power BI:


A workaround for measures was to create a new measure based off the one that was missing in power bi, but i can't simply create a new dimension.


Also somehow in another adobe analytics query i pulled for the same exact date range as adobe analytics, i am getting less "visits" (page views) in power bi than what i am seeing in Adobe Analytics... how is this possible. 


Thanks for any help.


1 受け入れられたソリューション


Download link, custom & Exit links are not available in Power BI. As a workaround, you can create a report in report builder and publish it to power BI.


2 返信


Download link, custom & Exit links are not available in Power BI. As a workaround, you can create a report in report builder and publish it to power BI.


Level 1
Report builder isn't going to work, don't have the capacity to be exporting and rerunning this report on a daily basis. Need direct data connection to Adobe Analytics. Is there no way to create a custom dimension? it seems like my organization has already created custom dimensions, i just can't figure out how. I think if i create a custom dimension based off of "Download Link" it will show up in power bi as i have done this for the metrics that are not showing up such as Download Link instances. Thanks.