What's the best way to conduct a debugging session for a mobile app that has Adobe Analytics tracking? I've seen that there is Project Griffon, but the links for those are no longer available (404 error).
I'm also running Android Studio, so not sure if that would help?
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Hi, Griffon, or rather the renamed tool "AEP Assurance" still exists.
I'm not sure which links are giving you a 404, but I would be happy to help.
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Hi @Jennifer_Dungan , thanks for your quick reply.
This is the link: https://aep-sdks.gitbook.io/docs/beta/project-griffon , but is a dead link.
Do you have any links that you can you post here that give instructions on how to set it up for debugging?
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Ahh, yes, they pretty much disabled the entire aep-sdk repository, and because it's hosted on GITHUB they weren't able to create proper 301 redirects (I actually talked to one of the Adobe folks about that).
I actually still miss that repository, I thought it was easier to use than the current... but it is what it is.
Try: https://developer.adobe.com/client-sdks/home/base/assurance/
I hope this helps. Good luck getting the tool formerly (and perpetually
While it doesn't cover code for setting up Griffon, if you need help using it, my user group did a webinar on it that you might find helpful:
I am a web developer, not an app developer, so if you have code specific questions I may or may not be able to help, but will do my best.
Amazing, thank you so much @Jennifer_Dungan. Much appreciated.
Any time
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Assurance is definitely the way to go when possible! Much, much better than Charles Proxy!
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My organization just set up Assurance (formerly Project Griffon). It's a fantastic tool, and quite easy to use once it's set up.
In addition to the link Jen shared about setting it up, here's some documentation on how to use it. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/assurance/home.html?lang=en
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