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Update scheduled report end date limit and renewal messages for daily schedules


Level 3


I got a renewal notice the other day for a daily delivered workspace saying the schedule was set to expire in 30 days.  When I went to extend it for another 12 months I found that the max possible end date was only 30 days away.  Adobe Support confirmed this is a new setting for the feature, which means i will now have to frequently update the end dates for dozens of daily dashboards sent throughout my company.  What's more, why send me a 30 day notice when I can only extend it one additional day.  Since Adobe seems resigned to this new functionality, I suggest the following minimal changes:

1. Allow daily reports to be scheduled 90 days into the future (not 30)

2. Send the renewal notice at end date minus 7 days (this still may get missed if I'm on vacation but better than it is now)



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Those are both great suggestions! But for hourly reports, the limit is only 1 week, so even that won't work for hourly reports, unless those are extended too. 

It would be nice if the product teams decided to put everything back to 12 months though. 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Yes... I know a few of us ( @MandyGeorge and myself among them) have asked Adobe to reconsider going back to 12 months.


Level 3


Yeah I'm sure the new settings eliminate thousands or more of dead reports getting sent so I'm offering at least a compromise that should be an easily configurable change.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Agreed.. but I think 1 year was already a good compromise (as opposed to the original "run forever" reports they used to support).


It also might be a slightly different story IF we could bulk update expiry dates on reports... I have over 30 reports that send out weekly on the same schedule... updating those 30+ reports once a year was not too bad.. but now I will have to do every 6 months.... one at a time.... 


Thankfully I don't have as many daily reports... but I do know that other users in my org have those set up.. and they can't even access the project scheduler... so they will have to create new schedules monthly...