Description & Current Behaviour -
As stated in post already the functionality of the Company Folder is very restrictive and doesn't make much sense:
- as stated in the existing thread, it should be able to give specific User rights (esp. editing rights) for various Subfolders (e.g., Marketing Team 1 has their own folder in the Company folder with their own reports which are then immediately shared with everybody in the Company because the reports are in the Company folder)
- Current state: such permissions are not available and only administrators are able to do anything with the Company folder
With this Status Quo comes the next problem that I've discovered: As an administrator I am able to see all Workspace projects of all users. I can also save over them and do anything I want with them. Except for on singular point: I am NOT able to move other users' projects into the company folder. The functionality is completely missing from the menu.
I can only do it in the event that my administrator account gets "edit rights" for that specific projects (via the share menu). You know how I can get those rights? Exactly: as an administrator I am able to go into that project and give them to me myself. Only after doing that am I able to move the project into the company folder.
Why is this feature important to you -
The permission/right management of Adobe has never been a joy to work with. But getting this functionality and teasing things that absolutely make sense but hiding them behind so many walls and then making them unusable is frustrating. This makes the project management for the whole company simpler and more precise.
How would you like the feature to work -
- Specific User rights/permissions can be given for specific subfolders. This way those members can add/remove projects from those subfolders and manage them themselves. This will also automatically share all the projects with the whole Company.
- Additionally to Users being able to do these things themselves, an Admin account should always by default be able to add/remove any project - be it shared or not with them - into the Company folder.