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Sharing edit access to Segments


Level 2


The creator/owner of a segment should be able to share edit access to others (not just read-only access).

We have teams of analysts that share responsibility for reporting.  When one of them creates a segment, their teammates can't get access to subsequently edit that segment.  Example: Some time after a segment is created, an issue is identified, or a request is made to update the segment definition.  Within the team responsible for maintaining the reporting, currently *ONLY* the original author of the segment can make updates to it. If they're unavailable due to workload or they're out of the office, the request can't be transferred to another team member. The owner should be able to share edit access across their team so that a peer can pick up the work.




Hi @Brian_Gadell 


Admin level users can share segments with entire company, with user groups, and with individual users.


Can you please check if the owners/creators of the segment are an Admin Level users?


For your reference, please refer to this document:






Level 2


Within the doc you share, it explicitly states that Non-Admin users "Can view/edit/delete/etc. ***only their own*** segments." [emphasis added]


While Admin users can share *view* access to segments, we need segment owners to be able to delegate EDIT access to other users. I.e. to allow their team-mates to update the segment definition as needed.


Edit to add:  It's unacceptable to grant full Product Admin access to every team that needs to create/update segments.  Our enterprise is far too large and complex with distributed teams working on different areas/projects/etc.