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Segment optimization: one-time/temporary segments


Level 2


Segments are useful for data pull of specific requirements, esp. customized pathing. However, sometimes segments are created for one-time use and don't need to be saved in the segments manager. I'm hoping we can bring back the function to create a segment without saving. (I believe Ad Hoc has this function in segment builder). Another idea is to create folder or tags for segments so it's easier to group things together and search.

Raising this idea because a lot of us are facing the struggle of a long list of segments on the left panel, which is hard to navigate or find the commonly used segments.



Community Advisor


you can already create temporary segments: if you drop anything at the "top panel zone", a "temoprary segment" is created (even if it might not look like).

eg. you select a certain page entry and drop it at the "top panel zone", an orange item appears. you can now "edit" this item the same way as you would with a segment (hoover over field, show "info" and "edit"). after edit, a segment is displayed which looks like you would expect it.

but be aware that those "temporary segments" are only available within the project who uses the segment! means you can't find it anywhere in the left item panel.

and as soon as you delete the segment (you fon't need it anymore), the segment itself is deleted! for short eecovery use "undo"....

in case you want to make it a "normal" segment, there is a "make public" option. either show "tooltip info" and hit the link "make segment public" or edit the segment and use the checkbox at the bottom of the segment editor. remark: the option to make a segment "public" needs a special permission in the product profile, if I remember it is called "create segments" ....

regarding the second idea about "folder or tags", let me throw a statement Gigazelle​ made for "workspace folders":

"workspace projects allow tagging, which are more robust and flexible for organizing in large amounts."

The same is valid for segments: you can add tags to the segments which allow easy filtering, no need to have "folders".... but I think there is an idea already somewhere, just couldn't find it at first try ....