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"Everyone Else" (negated logic) Segment Feature outside of Segment Comparison


Level 4


In a previous post (http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Idea-Exchange-for-Adobe/Segment-Toggle-quot-Normal-Exclude-qu ot-Feature/idi-p/14612) I mentioned it would be great to basically have a quick negative segment creation. It appears as if Adobe figured this logic out with the "Everyone Else" feature with Segment Comparison. While, Segment Comparison is nice, it really seems to give limited results outside of "next steps to investigate". For instance, it will give me a weight of say 0.20 for Mobile visitors and tell me, "hey this metric is important" but then I have to go investigate that and then to truly understand that metric, i have to create an "Everything else Metric" to continue this investigation. 

Where I think this becomes truly applicable is going to my own freeform table and being able to drop the segment of I am investigating and then be able to have the ability to select the segment, right clicking it, and have an option to negate the segment, which would be the same as "Everyone Else". This would be helpful because I could then do analysis on the metrics actual number and not on the algorithmic number by Adobe. Stakeholders want real numbers, not an algorithmic number.


