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Possibility to configure alets to be triggered at specific time


Level 1


Description - setting up possibility to configure alerts to be triggered at specific time

Why is this feature important to you - alerts are usually triggered shortly after midnight (CET), when data for the current day has not always been uploaded to AA. This causes false alerts to be detected, such as different anomalies and "Sent=0".

How would you like the feature to work - provide possibility in alert configuration panel to select a time for triggering of alert.

Current Behaviour - only possible to set time granularity of alert (weekly, daily ets)



Community Advisor


@Kr3sfI am using AA Alerts from past few years. If the change in threshold detected, I have always got the email of alerts in the midnight right after 12:30AM for the previous day. I have never got an false alert triggered till now. Did you ever got an false alert detected?


Level 1


@Krishna_Musku We sometimes get anomaly alerts shortly after midnight, to only verify in the morning that the alert was sent because data was not yet fully loaded into AA. If if would be possible to configure the alert to go off in the morning, the alert would not be triggered as the data by then is fully loaded for the previous day (which is not always the case at 12:30).


Community Advisor


The anomaly alerts we got in the midnight are not triggered falsely till now. For whatever alerts we got in the midnight, we verified the data in the morning and they are correct, even I verified some this morning. I remember we confirmed with Adobe Care as well regarding the alerts triggering. They confirmed that alerts are triggered only after the data is fully loaded. But if you have issue that alerts are triggering even before the data is fully loaded (Which should not happen) raise a support ticket with Adobe.


Community Advisor


Check out the Summit Rock Star presentation by Jennifer Dugan who frequently posts here.  She gives some great tips including this.  It's around 28 minutes in I believe