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Improve Flow Reports in Workspace


Level 1


It's a shame Adobe is deprecating adhoc, as an analyst, this is my favorite tool. It's clear Adobe did not survey any analysts when making this decision, and simply looked at the number of end users who had access to analytics (a majority of the employees had access, while all reports were generated by ~3 people, so of course it looks like barely anyone is using the tool). Workspace does not have the same abilities, speed, reporting capabilites, or visualizations that adhoc has. One of the reports with the biggest difference from adhoc to workspace is the flow reports. In Adhoc, end users can click on the different line items if they wish to break down the next user flow, while the flow grows, the visualization is made smaller and can be easily moved around. Workspace is missing those capabilities, it takes over the entire screen, long titles are cut off with ellipsis so it's impossible to see what they are, users can not click through or move the image around, and exporting it is not helpful whatsoever.

I am really hoping Adobe makes vast changes to workspace before deprecating adhoc!!