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Ideas for improvement of Photoshop and Premiere Pro concerning productivity, comfort and attractiveness to potential customers


Level 1


Hey there, I am a windows user and I would like to utter some things that I mind in respectively features that I would welcome in a future version of various Adobe CC programs:

I am looking forward to get a response from you in case you like my ideas for ameliorations / advancement.


Concerning Photoshop:

1.) The gradient-tool is great but why don´t you just display it as a line, with 2 dots at the end, that stays on the screen so you can adjust the gradient more comfortable. In my opinion it is laborious to re-draw the gradient over and over again just to make a tiny change because the line disappears every time.


2.) My workflow could be accelerated if I would dispose over the opportunity to press the mouse wheel and drag in order to move / execute the same function as the hand-tool (letter H) respectively space bar + left mouse key. 


3.) Press "U" and draw a shape. If you want to give the shape a border it will be set to a weird spiky style border by default. Why is that and who does not change it to the first option in the drop down menu (which is the normal contour)? Wouldn´t it be smarter to set the contour to a line style by default that 99% of the people want when adding a contour to a shape the way I described right now?


4.) Talking about the path-tool (press "P"): Draw a point and curve it. After you drew a curved point it is impossible to continue with a straight line so you have to hold the "alt"-key and press on the last point in order to be able to continue with a straight line. That is super time-consuming and annoying in my opinion. Can you set it to default that you automatically continue with a straight line regardless of the circumstance if the previous line was curved or not?


5.) Why not integrating "Adobe Firefly" or at least a "text to image AI" directly into Ps?


6.) What about labeling the auxiliary lines (outside of the project frame)?


(B1. Press "T" and add a text. In the horizontal menu bar over your project frame you can set a text smoothing option f.e. sharp or windows LCD. I can´t find reliable information which option has the highest possible quality when working on an image that is destined for a social media post / YT-thumbnail. Or is the highest resolution option already set by default?)


 Concerning Premiere Pro:

I would like to make some proposes in order to advance the features and attractiveness of Premiere Pro. It would also be meaningful for other programs that Premiere Pro competes with because you would have to re-consider which program you want to use in the future. Let´s go:


Z1) This is my favorite one, please take a look at the attachments. I have elaborated the following: What about an overlay / generator that looks like in AT1? (Ignore the contour at the margin in the attachments - that is just the project frame improvised.) You can drag n drop or import media from your media pool or a folder and it is plugged into the cutout. You could adjust the border color, -style and -thickness as well as the border angle or disable the border in general if you do not want a separation between the videos. You could also drag the line to a desired alignment if you want to have more space for a video respectively if you don´t want to split it evenly in half. (The "S" in the images stands for screen btw.) Before it is getting plugged I could imagine a menu that appears that asks you to set an in- and output point so that you would not have to do it in hindsight in case it wasn´t pre-edited in the media pool. Attachment AT3 is just another example of a potential preset from which you could choose.Attachment AT4 indicates that you could swap the media between the cutouts. It would also be imagineable that you drew your own pattern of cutouts by customizing the grid.  




A.) Introducing a "Write-On-Effect" for text: it would be advisory to handle this feature through a slider that represents the lengh of the text on a scale from 0 to 1. Then you set the keyframes. (Already exists in DaVinci Resolve, a competitor to Premiere Pro. We need this in Pr too!)


A.1) It would also be lit if the Write-On-Effect would feature a function that adds kind of a keyboard typing sound depending on the lenght of the effect. (This would be disabled by default but could be enabled.)


B.) Display a text as its contour with adjustable border width in the text options. (No need to do it in the layer style panel like in Ps.)


B.1) What about a drop down menu with pre-selected transitions for text layers to swiftly add the effect without the need to search appropriate ones in another panel. A preview of the specific animation is also imagineable when hovering over a certain transition.


C.) Adobe Firefly (or a derivative) directly integrated in Premiere Pro. Yes or No?


D.) Imagine you want to overlay a random png. What about a "MagicLayer" / hand animation that draws on the png with a stylus like in these whiteboard animation- / explainer videos?


E.) What about introducing a "clipping mask" feature (like the one from Ps) but for photos and videos in Pr. Then you could easily clip a video to a desired shape instead of using the masking tool.


F.)  What about integrating Adobe Enhance directly into Pr so you could apply it directly to your audio lanes or several samples increasing your workflow and prouctivity.


G.) What about an option to fast-export a certain video- or audio lane with 2 clicks without needing to do it laboriously. Just a quick right mouse key click on the media and a menu that ask you which lanes you want to export as which file type.


(H.) In my opinion the monitor at the left where you can sight the footage to do a pre-selection is redundant due to the existence of the main monitor at the center. Idk if there is already a way to disable this. That is the reason why I set this propose into parenthesis.)


I.) What about setting "ease to ease"  to default when using keyframes for smooth transitions.


J.) Due to frequent crashes of Pr you could introduce a "save automatically" feature that senses when Pr is about to crash to initaite a last save before the crash occurs, because loosing your progress is aggravating.


K.) I am unsure if there already exists an aspect ratio preset for an insta story / yt short / tik tok video , but what came in handy would be a temporary overlay with medium- or low opacity, that indicates where the like dislike, comment, share... - buttons will be that the editor knows where not to place sth. because it would be partly covered. When it comes to the export of the video the overlay would be neglected.


L.) Imagine you are a YouTuber and you want to place your facecam in a frame and position it adjacent to the right top corner: The clipping mask would also be applicable here, but what about a frame f.e. an iPhone frame in which you can perfectly plug your footage in so you would need to worry about the masking tool again. Or what about an electric rectangular frame for a facecam that has smoke around the border and behaves like electricity like many youtubers use in their endcards. In Ae this would necessitate the saber-plugin but I guess you know what I meant. You wouldn´t need to care about if it overlapped because it would be perfectly plugged to the SmartClippingMask - that how I would term it.   



 Concerning entire CC:


X2. What I don´t understand but what is surely immutable: Why were not the keyboard shortcuts assigned uniformly among the programs of the CC? "Ctrl+J" = duplicate a layer in PS, but in AE duplicating a layer requires another keyboard shortcut. If there were a program in which a shortcut wouldn´t make sense the key could have stayed unassigned f.e. "M" for "muting the audio in Audition" does not make sense in Ps (because there is no audio in Ps), so it stays unassigned but in Premiere Pro "M" would also be the shortcut for muting audio. Does this concept sound comprehensible to you?


This would have facilitated the prodecure of learning / becoming familiar with the handling of new Adobe programs (kind of a linked shortcut feature how I would label it).


X.) What about introducing a new file format (f.e. ".trmp4") that allows you to export a video with transparent background to minimize the effort for the hardware ressources due to the ultra keyer that you would need in order to remove the green background.



Kind regards   

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