Description - Currently custom time ranges are limited to an 800 day lookback. I would love this to go back a little farther, enough to accommodate a Last 90 Days two years ago rolling range.
Why is this feature important to you - With pandemic, YoY comparisons are not all that telling so I've been using Prior Prior Year to establish a better baseline for how much business we've recovered this year. Last 90 days is a standard comparison window for us but I can't create that period two years ago because I hit the 800 day limit.
How would you like the feature to work - Specifically, I'd just need the lookback window for days extended to 825 days. Though since we have a rolling 37 months window of data, ideally the custom time range limit would go would go back to that (~1125 days).
Current Behaviour - Days in time ranges stops at 800. You could theoretically maybe do it in weeks or months, but for us "last 90 days" is the optimal time comparison range.