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Creating Shared Folders in Adobe Analytics Outside of Company Folder


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



Love the Company Folder and the ability to share a group of projects across your organization, but want to potentially share only relevant projects for users and / or want to hide non-relevant templates and folders?  Current state, the Company Folder is an all-or-nothing holding ground for placing reports and enforcing automatic sharing privileges.  However, there are situations where you want only a certain team or group of individuals (maybe even product profile) to access a certain folder or even see that folder.  


I'm proposing the idea of allowing users to create a "Shared Folder" that will let you set-up your own sharing permission that allows you to create a project and move to the folder and all members of the group will be able to access, but will not have to give carte blanche access to all members of your company.  

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 8.44.43 PM.png


Why is this feature important to you

I often have a team of core people I work with for certain projects or reporting focuses that allow for many reports to get created, or I have a list of 5-6 people who NEED to be shared a report, but it has to be reviewed and approved internally before it is shared out, and putting it into the company folder before it is ready is not an acceptable option.

How would you like the feature to work

Ideally, I would like the folder when selected on the landing page and the blue selection bar appears, it would have similar options to selecting a project, to "share", "rename", "pin", or "tag". 

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 8.49.59 PM.png

And inside the "Share" menu, you could manage the permissions for the folder similar to the pop-up menu that exists for projects:

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 8.53.32 PM.png

"Edit Sharing Access" could be used for determining who has the ability control access permissions for the folder, "Edit Project Access" would allow users to determine who could edit the projects inside the folder or move projects inside the folder, and "View Project Only" would allow users to be added to the folder to view reporting, but unable to edit (perhaps great for executives or others who you want to give visibility without risking a report getting unintentionally modified). 


It could also be more complicated, and move to using product profiles if supporting this level of granularity inside the landing page wouldn't be possible, but the idea of allowing users to have folder permissions for storing their projects similar to the concept of Dropbox, Box, OneDrive shared folders is the core of the idea. 



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Description of the Business Challenge:
As the tool exists, the only way I may create and share any kind of folder hierarchy with fellow Adobe Analytics users is by creating them in the Company Folder.  By doing this, Adobe Analytics immediately sets the visibility of my reports to ALL; and, no matter how many updates I make to the Edit Copy and/or Read Only portions, at some point, the tool will have "auto-magically" added ALL and/or arbitrarily inserted certain individuals' names back into said fields when I return to audit and or update those fields when I need to share it again.

Why is this feature important to you - The entire business does not always need to have access to every single report I build for our group and vice versa.  It is because of this I am sure Adobe has likely run into adoption issues with many companies, due to this exact challenge.  Consequently, we should be able to set up folder hierarchies outside of the Company Folder and share them as we see fit with the appropriate groups we already have in place to protect the data we have (think, PCI, PHI, or otherwise - and these are just a few!) inside Adobe Analytics.  

How would you like the feature to work - Because already have the existing functionality in place to set up folder hierarchies, the only update I would respectfully request is to add the visibility/permissions aspect.  Once a folder exists, the owner of that folder (or an Adobe Administrator ) may add fellow editors who can also update said visibility, and then viewers of the hierarchy.  It should be possible to have any folder within the hierarchy inherit the permission and visibility of its parent; however, this is neither required nor expected.

Current Behaviour - If I create a folder outside of the Company Folder, the only person who may view it is meI am unable to share it with anyone else.

If I wish to share a folder or any set of sub-folders, I must create it in the Company Folder; and then, anything I create in the Company Folder is immedately available to everyone, regardless of whether or not they actually should have the right to see it or not - THIS IS BAD.

As far as I can tell, there is no current way to properly segregate visibility or maintain that segration of a report AFTER it has been placed in a folder that exists within the Company Folder hierarchy.

Just to make sure they are included in this, I am also pulling in @firstMarlon, who asked a question about this very issue a while back.  This challenge has been a thorn in our sides for quite a while, and I feel it all too appropriate to resurface it so proper conversations may be had.


Level 1


Following this topic! Would be great to help keep our Analytics dashboards organized among our different partner groups.


Level 1


How is this still not a thing? Adobe is is teasing us with it, that it is a superb functionality to create subfolders in the company folders "for only one team" but only mentions the missing user permissions in the next paragraph:



Meanwhile this functionality would actually be the right and interesting one to have. Please incorporate this already!



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


@Dominik_MarkoMi The most you can do is share this far and wide and get as many people as you can to LIKE this idea.  The more likes we get, the more visibility the idea will have, and thus, it will force Adobe to start taking it more seriously.  Let's make this thing go viral!