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CJA - always display persistence settings for components (even when not set)


Community Advisor


Description - In CJA, persistence setting should always be shown, even when not set ("none" or something similar)

Why is this feature important to you - We teach users to use the information available for components.  It's confusing to them when there's nothing shown for persistence .

How would you like the feature to work - When set, show value (as it currently does).  When not set, show "none" or something similar.

Current Behaviour -

Nothing is displayed for persistence as shown here



1 Comment


Level 6


There definitely should be a common set of fields always displayed in metric and component tool tips. I agree that Persistence is an important field to be displayed for dimensions. It seems that this should be a relatively easy fix. Instead of not including a field if it is not enabled (e.g. the Set Persistence option in the data view builder), there should be a default value shown.