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Attribution IQ & Calculated Metrics


Level 4


So the idea of Attribution IQ is market leading, ingenious, great, fantastic, we love it BUT it's really annoying not being able to use calculated metrics directly in Workspace. I know you can create a new calculated metric with a model applied but you can't use a calculated metric in the Attribution IQ panel or apply a model on the fly to a calculated metric in your workspace.

JenteDR​ - not sure if this helps with the question you'd asked in the forum.





Great point. The reason for this is because we have no way of knowing how to apply an attribution model from outside of the calculated metric builder. For example, if you had revenue / orders and you applied "Linear" to it - does that mean (linear revenue) / (linear orders) or (linear revenue) / orders or revenue / (linear orders). Adding more metrics, segments, calculations, etc. makes it hard for us to know how to apply the model. Does this make sense?


Level 4


I can understand the complexity behind the enablement of that, the challenge is for example we have three different ways to order so we capture each in a custom event and use a calculated metric to get the total. Attribution is obviously a big topic and therefore we want to be able to understand what for our total revenue but can't use that in a number of features in Workspace, e.g. Attribution and Histogram Visualisation. Which makes the new exciting features rarely useable and we end up pulling the data out in to another tool which is a shame.

We do have on our roadmap to capture all revenue in a single event and then use custom events for all the individual types as well but neither solution is really ideal. Happy to support with testing if you ever work on the idea!




Thanks for the feedback. For what it's worth, you can reproduce any and every visualization in the Attribution Panel yourself in a blank panel. We made panels such that a user could reconstruct them manually if they wanted to. There's no reason you couldn't look at the same histogram or Venn, etc. that we prepopulate in the panel.

Granted not quite as convenient, but still doable with a few extra minutes of time.


Level 2


Thanks for the the mention trucallinglife​. Indeed the same issue as we have (see my question on the Analytics forum: Calculated Metrics and Attribution IQ​)

We have an implementation that is aligned across all domains of the organization (+20 different domains). Where we set a succes event "impression" on every step of a form / widget. Combined with the eVar that captures the name and number of that step, we create "conversion metrics". But these are all calculated metrics.

At the moment our solution is to use freeform tables with a segment applied to it that contains the same logic as the calculated metric (hit where eVar stepname = Laststep X).

Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 09.56.19.png




The histogram is based on the instances metric of your dimension rather than the metric itself. It's simply a view of how many touches users have to your dimension in general.