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Analysis Workspace: Aggregated "other" row


Community Advisor


It would be great if when displaying the top "X" number of values for a dimension it was possible to opt to display an additional row containing an aggregated sum of all the other rows not displayed.


This would be useful for showing the complete picture.  The below is an simple example of how the "donut" percentages do not reflect the complete picture because it is only reflect the top 5 values and does not account for the other rows.  (e.g. Internet explorer 65% of traffic according to the table but shows as 70% in the donut)


Just to be clear it's not just donut related... equally one may want to trend 'other' as volumes on a line graph, display it in a bar graph etc.


other row.png





Andy, this is a great suggestion that we have on our list - so hopefully it should be coming soon.  We most likely will just add it to donut for starters.  Question - with metrics like visits/visitors/orders that are deduped, would you expect the "All Others" row to be deduped or not?  The total in the middle of the donut should be the overall total, not necessarily the sum of its parts (I know it does not work that way now).


Community Advisor


For me the 'other' row has to be the sum of the other rows (i.e. no deduping between the rows not shown), otherwise you are comparing apple and oranges.


In terms of how this might work I was hoping you might find a way to actually insert an additional row into the freeform table and therefore any visualization would work off it - and it would be available in the table as well


I can understand why you are thinking about this in terms of the 'donut' (probably the same reason I picked it for my exampe!)  However, I tend to avoid the donut in real life as it's not very easy to interpret.


For me, the 'other' row would be far more useful in other visualisations such as - line, bar, horizontal bar or in the freeform table itself


Community Advisor


I can see that this is now possible using the donut visualization - which is great :-)

Any plans to extend to other visualizations such as the "line" graph? - it would be really useful!




Although bar viz seems much more natural - not sure I totally understand your use case for line viz - can you explain further?  Thanks.