Expand my Community achievements bar.

Allow option to swap metrics (similar to using Tableau parameters)


Community Advisor


Description -  I'd love to be able to offer a curated list of metrics that end users can easily swap out using a dropdown similar to switching segments.  


Why is this feature important to you -  This would allow me to create and perfect one standard view perhaps using unique visitors and/or visits.  With a single click, a user could then swap the metric(s) with others from a curated list, perhaps orders and revenue.


This would allow the creation of one streamlined dashboard with a variety of views, breakouts, etc., that then has an increased level of interactivity. This would be also be useful for anomaly investigations.


How would you like the feature to work -  Similar to the segment dropdowns at the top of a panel.  Provide metric dropdown(s) (perhaps a few).  When another metric from the curated list is selected, all tables and visualizations in the panel update to reflect the newly selected metrics.


Current Behavior - You can clone panels and recreate with the new metric.  But as further iterations are made, the other metric panels have to be rebuild or get out of sync.



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


I feel that for this to work effectively we would need dropdowns on the visualization level first (or event the column level)... most people have multiple visualizations with different metrics within the same panel, and even multiple metrics in the same visualization... 


Having a dropdown selection would only work for a small subset of panels.. 


While I find the idea intriguing, I think there needs a lot more complexity built into Workspace to make this work properly.. 


I'm still going to upvote (so that this is something that maybe they can work towards)