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[AA Community Q&A Coffee Break] 01/30/23, 10am PT: Come ask questions on analytics, best practices, and tips & tricks with the North America East Virtual Analytics User Group



Join us for the next Adobe Analytics Community Q&A Coffee Break 

taking place Monday, January 30th, 2023 @ 10am PT - 11am PT 

Register here!


We'll be joined by the North America East Virtual Analytics User Group, with @Jennifer_Dungan and @jeff_bloomerexperts who regularly use Adobe Analytics in their careers, who will be signed in here to the Adobe Analytics Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your questions related to analytics, best practices, and tips & tricks.

 Bring any and ALL of your questions here, on this thread, on Monday, January 30th at 10am PT for comprehensive insights, deeper explanations, and strategic suggestions for your unique use cases ~ DIRECTLY from the Adobe Analytics experts 

Adobe Senior Technical Support Engineer Brian Topham aka @BrianTophamAdobe will also be joining to provide additional insights and answers to your questions.

Register here!



  • Must be signed in to the Community during the 1-hour period 
  • Must post a Question about Adobe Analytics
  • THAT'S IT!  *(think of this as the Adobe Analytics Community equivalent of an AMA, (“Ask Me Anything”), and bring your best speed-typing game) 


  • Click the blue “Reply” button at the bottom right corner of this post


Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 11.59.43 AM.png


The North America East Virtual Analytics User Group (NOAM AAUG) is a community of passionate Analytics users who meet quarterly to share best practices, collectively problem solve, and network. Due to current circumstances, we are only hosting virtual meetings where we focus on a variety of topics and invite Analytics Thought Leaders to present and share their expertise.


If you are interested in advancing your knowledge and use of Adobe Analytics, meeting other like-minded users who are industry leaders, and earning exclusive swag– then join our AAUG today!


Curious about what an Adobe Analytics Community Q&A Coffee Break looks like? Check out the thread from our latest 11/28/22 Adobe Analytics Coffee Break


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

20 Replies



Hello all! To ask a question, please push the blue "Reply" button above. Feel free to begin posting questions at any time, and they will be answered during the Coffee Break hour. 


Level 2

Hello to all wonderful people at NOAM,

Please share your best practices on how to combine data for Web and App in one reporting suite?
Original implementation was done separately for Web and Mobile App and now management is looking for one reporting suite for both Web and App together.

Thank you for always finding a way!



Community Advisor

@ttarnovsky1 - I can truly appreciate this challenge.  We pushed for this for quite a while at Kroger as well.

I am going tell you right now, no matter how simple or complex your current implementation is, this will NOT be easy, and it will not come without some pain, HOWEVER, it will be worth the work!

I would recommend going with the Mobile App Report Suite, as it has all of the features you need to move forward.  Then, begin working to MAP your Web report suite variables to the Mobile App variables, so that you have a consolidated SDR.   This is one of the harder tasks, as there will be much debate over which ones to maintain between the two. 

Then, you have to ask yourself how much of a history you want to maintain, AND how much money your organization wants to continue to spend on Server calls.  Meaning, now that you have a new map of variables, you're likely going to want to establish at least 6 months to a year's worth of history.


Jeff Bloomer


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Alternately, for our company, we had more history in our existing global suite (and the legacy apps had poor tracking), so it was an easy decision for us to add the mobile apps to our existing Web Suite, enabling the Mobile App Features.


Then we were able to create a tracking profile in the apps that matched our web tracking 100% (or at least where there were equivalences). Our mobile app has a few features our website doesn't have, and so those have additional tracking for the app specifically.


When we started this, we set up a completely separate Dev Suite for the apps to really fully test the new integration before merging it with out web data. When we use processing rules for the APP, we make sure that all the rules look for specific app identifiers so that we aren't accidentally modifying the web data.


Level 2

@Jennifer_Dungan Thank you Jen, thank you for sharing your thoughts in reference to separate Dev Suite for the app, something to consider in the near future. I really appreciate your support, Jen is the BEST!!!  


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Oh, and I should say, that separate Dev suite for the apps was used initially.. once we felt comfortable with the data, we switched the config to the global dev suite and re-tested it all over again (to make sure the web and app integrations were good).


Only after both round of testing, did we go live.


Now that we are established, we don't use the dedicated dev app suite much, but it's available if we need to test any really big changes as needed.


Level 2

@jeff_bloomer thank you Jeff for your recommendation, first step in this panful process. Will keep you posted on progress, it will not be soon, baby steps.... one day at the time 


Community Advisor

Agreed - definitely baby steps.

And let me please caveat, the reason we went with Mobile was also because most of the mapping was easier to go THAT direction.  

So, take a look at how your variables lie, and most of all, communicate with you stakeholders.  This is important data.  Also, if you have a third-party specialist who is available to assist you, I would recommend it.  If you don't, and you determine you might need one, I can refer you to a very good partner.

Jeff Bloomer


Level 2

Hello, I am a product mgr at Moody's. We are already using AA to track a number of campaigns and user clicks. We also send out feeds in an xml format that customers ingest and display on their websites. That usage is out of our control once they receive it. Does AA offer anything we can use to embed tracking information within an xml file so we can track user clicks downstream? Thanks. 


Community Advisor

@mkrefting I feel like we need some more information on this one.
Are you doing this via API, or raw dat feed?  It may be that this is beyond the normal scope of what might be initially possible, but before we can really understand what you're trying to accomplish, can you explain a little more what you're trying to do?

Jeff Bloomer


Level 2

@jeff_bloomer Thanks for your reply. We are delivering standalone xml and in some cases .json files to customers through a variety of means, such as ftp push, pull and a proprietary push mechanism we developed. The customers, in turn, may load these files on to their own websites, and/or distribute them in user newsletters. We are trying to find a way to track how many users view these files, they are primarily news stories. 


Community Advisor

@mkrefting You probably won't like my answer, BUT...

My thought is, for any and all URLs that you provide in your materials that return to your site, you will want to properly decorate the query string for each in order to accomplish your end goal for Campaign Tracking and Marketing Channels.  I would ultimately recommend reviewing Adobe's documentation for Best Practices against Attribution against your Marketing Channels to get the best bang for your buck!
Also, check out this article related to the lookback windows for Attribution.  This may help, too:

Jeff Bloomer


Level 2

@jeff_bloomer Thanks for your reply. My team and I will review the links you suggested. I appreciate your time and help. 


Level 1


I am not seeing links to join LIVE webinars



Hi @vwashington! This is not a live webinar, it's an AMA text-based conversation. So, feel free to reply on this thread (same way you did for this comment) with any questions, and our experts here will give you their insights! Thanks! 



Hi Experts! @mbalakrishna asked the following question:

Hi All,

From last night i am getting scheduled workspace csv file and some img attached files, its creating some issue on Google script code, any possibility to block .img files on scheduled ws mail..


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



CSV should just be a text file (CSV stands for "comma separated values", and is just a special format for a text file).


I sent myself a report in CSV and I don't have any images.


That said, did the person or people responsible for building and maintaining the workspace report happen to add an image file into one of the Workspace description fields (this can be done to help illustrate how to use or understand a report, or just to make it pretty and add company logos, etc).


I don't know if those images, since they are embedded into the rich text fields, might come through into the CSV in unexpected ways. This is my suspicion at this time.


Offhand, I am not aware of any settings that would allow you to turn that off for CSV...  this might be worthy of an Idea for Adobe to consider. 


In the meantime, if this is where your images are coming from, you could check with the owner of the report to see if they could remove the images from the reports you are getting with CSV, or if they would be willing to make two versions... one for "live" consumption with the images, and one without the images for your processing.


I wonder if you could also somehow use Google Script to sanitize and remove images before processing the data?



Once upon a time, there was a 'text only' setting Customer Care could set at a domain level. I am not sure if the setting still works/affects Workspace reports, but you can open a ticket with Customer Care, and have them add your company's email domain to see if that works. (Yes, this will be a domain-level setting). 


I'll give you the name of the setting to help you navigate with Customer Care: "Text Email Whitelist" (please forgive any political incorrectness, this is a very old setting...)



Thank you all for participating in today's Coffee Break! If you have further questions, our experts can be reached through the questions section in the Analytics Community. You can also reach out to anyone here directly. 


Level 4


The following data or personal data should be blocked from tracking:

  • Device info
  • Browser info

Is this possible to do with or without consent'?

1. if user give concern we can collect the data.

2. if not, need to block the data. 

If yes, How can we do?

If NOT why we are not able to block the data?


@jeff_bloomer @Jennifer_Dungan