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X-Axis report order - non-sequential


Level 1
Hi. I've created a report to count version numbers of documents over a 6 month period. The report runs fine, however the sequence of numbers on the x-axis is 1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9. Not sure why it wouldn't go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...etc... Maybe I'm missing something really simple here.
5 Replies


Level 1
Just throwing this out there to see if anyone had any suggestions to this. P.


Level 3
Hi Pat, I don’t have versions going up high enough to observe what you’re seeing. However, at a glance… When I enter text mode on the version field, I see the following by default: listsort=string(version) valueformat=val Also, when I convert the version group to text, I see the following by default: group.0.valueformat=string My hunch is that while the field is actually a numeric field, by default they are converting it to string for the purpose of sorting and grouping. You might try playing with the “valueformat” options under text mode to see if you can get it to show something different. Sorry I couldn’t test this myself, but maybe it will give you a couple of things to look at. Kathy


Level 1
Thanks Kathy, that's appreciated. I think that's it, but have been playing around and can't figure it out. Hoping someone else out there might know what that would be. p


Level 1
I've seen this "sort" of thing before (pun intended) - I think it is sorting by the leading character, so all those version numbers starting with a "1" come first. I'm guessing it might take some programming from Workfront coders to fix this, but I'm not sure.


Level 1
Thanks, Tony. I've sent off to WF to see if they can help. Quite enjoyed the pun... Pat Crawford