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Would like to create a request queue for report requests- has anyone done this in Workfront. Could you then have a report that shows open projects and requests?


Level 2

Would like to create a request queue for report requests- has anyone done this in Workfront. Could you then have a report that shows open projects and requests?

7 Replies


Level 6

We have a general Workfront request queue for the admins, if anyone has issues with Workfront, needs user added or anything else for the admin team they can enter a request for it.  If you wanted to focus yours on reports, you could have a custom form they fill out letting you know the criteria for the reports and what they're trying to report on.


Level 9

This are the queue topics in my admin queue personally. Absolutely possible, and then it feeds into a Board I use to manage requests with my team.




Level 6

I like that you're using Boards for it, I was thinking that may be a good direction to go with ours too.


Level 9

I have similar options in my Workfront Application Request queue.  It's been open since 2011 and houses all my support tickets.  I've been playing around with using boards for it but I have a report that I group by the topic and then status to manage.  I use the Outlook feature to get requests from email into Workfront. If it's not in this list, I tend to lost track of it. 

