Since it's Workfront Wednesday, our team ( @Michelle Ray , @Emma de Cerdenas , @Jade Walter ) wanted to share our monthly news letter and flyer! We sent out our first ever newsletter at the beginning of the month and plan to send a new one each month going forward. We created it to let our users know who their system admin team is, stay informed about important release notes, and share helpful tips and tricks that we learn along the way. We also included a short survey at the end, with the incentive of a Starbucks gift card for participation, to get feedback on what our users want from us and how we can best help them.
We posted over 40 flyers, throughout 2 floors of our office, to help spread the word that our team is available to help users with anything Workfront! On the back of 3 flyers we printed 3 Workfront memes for a scavenger hunt to encourage people to actually read the flyers :) The first 3 people to find the flyers with a meme will win a Starbucks gift card. We also host weekly office hours where anyone can come ask our team questions, share concerns, or discuss their "wish list" of Workfront enhancements. And beginning this month, we are hosting our first monthly training session. Our team is so excited to share and promote Workfront within our company. We'd love to hear what others are doing in their companies too!
Amber Dallapiazza The Home Depot