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Workfront Wednesday: Did you know?


Community Advisor

Has everyone seen the Workfront Wednesday: Did you know? posts Last week's was one we use a lot but doesn't seem easy to find on the help site - how to display names instead of ID numbers in a report This week's is another good one on Dashboards and Custom Tabs, we use them both on projects and on layout templates.

3 Replies


Level 2
Thanks for sharing Heather because I did not know about "Did you Know"! As we discussed yesterday, I wish Workfront would just make these changes instead of asking their users to code! Need a better UAX from Workfront but still better than the other options! Thank you, Angie Kweder Marketing Project Manager Mobile: 412-996-3939


Community Advisor

New Workfront Wednesday: Did you know? ... this one covers 2 things that rolled out with the 19.2 release: the tooltip to let you know if you're assigning a task to someone who has PTO scheduled when that task hits, and the new Auto-Save feature on project schedules which lets you change schedules then determine if you want to make those changes permanent.


Community Advisor

This week's Workfront Wednesday is on report prompts. I often get report requests where someone wants a report filtered on a certain custom field - and if I think someone else on their team might want the same report filtered on a different answer to that field I'll go ahead and create the report with a prompt and make it available to their whole team. It cuts down greatly on the number of reports I need to create.