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Winter 2019 Meet up?


Level 2
Hey all, Will there be an early winter 2019 Atlanta meet up? We are based in the Nashville area but would love to come down for it. Please let me know. Thanks! Emma Holland STR
56 Replies


Level 2
Hi! Count me in ... if there are other admins in this thread, I would love to add some discussion around how to plus up our admin skills. I've really been wanting to take my admin skills to next and hoping there are some experienced admins in the area that I could bounce ideas off of! Aya Elsoukkary, Marketing Operations Floor & Decor


Level 2
YES! love that idea @Aya Elsoukkary ! @Amber Dallapiazza Can we add an admin discussion to the agenda? Emma Holland STR


Hi everyone, Just a quick update. I chatted w/ @Amber Dallapiazza via email last week and unfortunately it looks like she won't be able to host. Thank you so much for the consideration though, Amber! I hope you can still attend the meetup, even if you aren't able to host. So a question for the group. It sounds like there is a ton of interest in a meetup. Does anyone else have a conference room they would be willing to open up for a user meetup? We can keep the group relatively small, just to those folks here in this discussion, or if you have a larger space, I'm happy to send an email to local users who may not have seen this thread. Once we have a location, we can lock down a date. Sounds like there are already a good number of topics being thrown around, so I have no doubt it will be a good discussion. Thanks everyone! Looking forward to making this happen! Kristin Farwell Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy Programs Workfront


Level 2
Hey @Kristin Farwell ! We are in the Nashville area, but would LOVE to host if people are willing to travel north. We have a large conference room that can accommodate 50-100 people. Please let me know if this works for the group. Happy to host on a Friday in case anyone wants to make it a fun weekend in Nashville :) Just let me know. And no hard feelings if we need to keep in close to the Atlanta area, Im happy to travel :) Emma Holland STR


Level 3
We are happy to travel to Nashville! Vanessa Tripp | Traffic Specialist BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee p. 423.535.1742| f. 423.591.9234 e. vanessa_tripp@bcbst.com
Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee E-mail disclaimer: "https://www.bcbst.com/about/our-company/corporate-governance/privacy-security/email-policy.page"> https://www.bcbst.com/about/our-company/corporate-governance/privacy-security/email-policy.page


Level 2
Hey everyone, I'm trying to compile topics for the meet up. Is everyone on board with traveling to the Nashville area if we host? @Kristin Farwell would you come to the meet up or would we have any WF employees to help with some questions? Here's what I've gathered from everyone's input on what they'd like to discuss: - New Workfront Experience - Modern View Scheduling(?) - @Elliot Leson - what did you mean by this exactly? - People/resource planning - Using WF to plan for headcount/when to hire - Reporting/dashboards - Workfront training sessions for current users + onboarding for new users - Implementation do's and don'ts + How to keep users excited about using WF - admin skills Please let me know if I'm missing anything. I'd appreciate your feedback! I'm really looking forward to this :) Emma Holland STR


Level 3
Sounds great Emma, I don't have anything to add at the moment. Do you have any tentative dates you are looking at? Vanessa Tripp | Traffic Specialist BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee


Level 2
Thanks @Vanessa Tripp ! I'm thinking first or second week of December. Would that work for everyone? Again, we don't have to host, just trying to keep this moving :) . If there is someone in the Atlanta area that can and wants to host please speak up :) . Emma Holland STR


Thank you for jumping in, Emma! I would be fine with you guys hosting. It makes it more of a Nashville User Group meetup instead of Atlanta, but that's ok! (If there is someone in Atlanta who is able to offer up conference room space, we can do that instead, or do another meetup in a few months in Atlanta. I've reached out to some folks internally at Workfront to see if they have any other ideas. Give me a day and then we'll make the call? Is that ok?) I will likely not be able to attend, but I'll definitely make sure there is someone from Workfront onsite with you guys. I might even be able to send you some goodies! Standby! Kristin Farwell Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy Programs Workfront


Level 2
I know, I apologize - Atlanta is just the closest user group to us. I haven't been able to connect with Any Nashville Workfront users, so I'm just excited to meet other users in the region. I don't care where we go :) . Of course!! Totally understand. Thanks @Kristin Farwell . Great! Thanks so much!! Emma Holland STR


Level 5
I would prefer a meeting in the Atlanta area but am okay traveling to Nashville if thats what works for everyone (4.5 hour drive for me, but I would just make a weekend out of it - I haven't been to Nashville yet so it will give me an excuse to head that way). I am a remote worker so I don't have an office to offer for a meetup. I think the topic list looks great and the first week of December works better for me. If we are doing Nashville as the location, if we can make it a Thursday or Friday meet up, that would be great and I think it will allow the folks who travel, the ability to make a weekend out the trip and explore. Erica Foisy Integrate


Level 2
It looks like a great group of Topics. I have a GO LIVE event in the first two weeks of December, so I'm out. It would be my first event for Workfront. Thank you, Mary NOTICE: NOTE: OUT OF OFFICE: Monday Nov 11 through Wednesday November 13- Customer visit. Thursday, December 25 through Thursday, January 1, 2020- PTO Mary Marshall MSA Lead Project Manager, MI Implementations FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. 81 Hartwell Avenue Lexington, MA 02421 Office: (803) 644-3009 Mobile: (540) 303-0241 "http://www.fujimed.com/" www.fujimed.com NOTICE: This message, including any attachments, is only for the use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential, sensitive and/or privileged information, or information otherwise prohibited from dissemination or disclosure by law or regulation, including applicable export regulations. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, copying, dissemination or distribution of this message or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please contact the sender immediately by reply email and destroy this message, including all attachments, and any copies thereof. NOTICE: This message, including any attachments, is only for the use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential, sensitive and/or privileged information, or information otherwise prohibited from dissemination or disclosure by law or regulation, including applicable export regulations. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, copying, dissemination or distribution of this message or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please contact the sender immediately by reply email and destroy this message, including all attachments, and any copies thereof.


Level 2
I may be able to get approval to host the meetup - let me talk to our department leader and see if she doesn't mind. We're also located by Suntrust Park in Atlanta as an FYI :) Aya Elsoukkary, Marketing Operations Floor & Decor


Thanks, @Aya Elsoukkary ! Keep us posted. And if you are able to host, let us know how many people you could accommodate? That will help us know how to spread the word (if we keep it to this small group here on the Community or if we can send it out a bit broader to folks via email). In addition, can everyone take this very short preference survey (3 questions!) about the event? It will help us narrow down the location for this and future meetups. Thanks so much! "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT2cfUjY1tZ48f2wxlHfvth7L47fUT7ubgQU2KGtYRwH07dQ/viewform" Atlanta User Group Location Preference Survey Kristin Farwell Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy Programs Workfront


Level 2
Awesome, thanks @Aya Elsoukkary ! We're happy to go wherever. Emma Holland STR


Level 2
Thanks @Aya Elsoukkary . At least 3 from Synchrony very interested and staying in ATL. First couple of weeks in December were good for us, too. Thanks James Hill, PMP Synchrony "mailto:james.hill1@syf.com" james.hill1@syf.com James Hill


Level 2
Hi Kristin - our firewall is blocking the survey link. Any other thoughts to be able to do it? James Hill


@James Hill - Oh no! Here are the questions. Feel free to reply here your you can shoot me a note at kristinfarwell@workfront.com w/ your responses. What would work best for you for a meetup location? I can only attend if the meetup is in Atlanta I can only attend if the meetup is in Nashville I could attend a meetup in Nashville, but really prefer Atlanta I could attend a meetup in Atlanta, but really prefer Nashville I can attend a meetup in either Atlanta or Nashville, whatever works best for the group! Would your organization ever be able to host a user meetup? (i.e. do you have a small conference room and security that would allow visitors?) * Yes No Maybe Anything else that would be helpful to know as we help plan local meetups? (open text) Kristin Farwell Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy Programs Workfront


Level 3
What would work best for you for a meetup location? I can attend a meetup in either Atlanta or Nashville, whatever works best for the group! Would your organization ever be able to host a user meetup? (i.e. do you have a small conference room and security that would allow visitors?) * Maybe Vanessa Tripp BCBST


Level 2
What would work best for you for a meetup location? I can only attend if the meetup is in Atlanta Would your organization ever be able to host a user meetup? (i.e. do you have a small conference room and security that would allow visitors?) * Yes Anything else that would be helpful to know as we help plan local meetups? -- if you host, what is expectation on food, etc.? -- number of users supported by everyone's WF instance -- number of years in WF (are you new, expert?) James Hill


@James Hill - A couple comments. If we center the user meetup around breakfast or lunch, I can usually have food catered in. I'll just need to work w/ you on local cafes, how much we'll need, etc. and then have it delivered. And then about the questions for how many users and number of years of experience, we could always add those to a reg page so you guys have that going into the meetup. Can definitely be handy! Kristin Farwell Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy Programs Workfront