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Where to find required lines needed for API text?


Level 10

Need help with this API text - as either I have a syntax error or a missing line.

displayname=Days In Due Diligence








Is there an article, video, or other posting - that lists out the MINIMUM REQUIRED lines needed to successful execute API Text Mode?

Meaning - when do I use "listsort" vs "listmethod" vs neither vs use both or never use both together?

Meaning - is descriptionkey and linkedname both always needed or optional?

Meaning - when is listsort vs querysort needed vs use both?

Creation of the valueexpression or valuefield is pretty well documented - but what lines goes with that expression is the grey area for me.

I am trying to become more efficient and independent at API Text Mode - but I'm needed more articles/documentation/video's on the down and dirty details.

Thanks for helping me with the above syntax and thanks for the help on pointing me to help.


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

If anyone wants to know what finally worked - it is this syntax.


View solution in original post

3 Replies


Level 10

Hi Benetta,

From this reference, I suspect you either need to use ROUND(... , 1 ) or simply ABS(...) since only the former expects the second parameter (number of decimals).

As for Minimum Required textmode, either valuefield=name or valueexpression=UPPER({name}) (for example) should be sufficient to pull data into a column; everything else is optional, and some are more useful than others.




Correct answer by
Level 10

If anyone wants to know what finally worked - it is this syntax.




Thank you for sharing what worked! I'm sure that other people may have this question in the future and would love to find that you've already done the hard work. Thanks for being so helpful @Benetta Perry‚ - I'm going to mark your answer as the best answer so if someone comes across this they'll know what to try!