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What's your Workfront goal?


Level 1
We're a quarter into 2016 and most of our resolutions have fallen by the wayside. It's not too late to set yourself up for Workfront success. What goals do you have for how you use Workfront as a user, admin or company? How can the local community help?
3 Replies


Level 3
Hi Nathan, as leader of our 2.5 person IS PMO I have been charged with starting to standardize how projects are characterized and how scope is managed. At the same time, we are implementing an IS project intake process that runs all the way through soon-to-be-re-invigorated governance committees to the IS project inventory. And concurrently, our IS management team is looking seriously at their capacity and resource utilization. While standardization and intake are tough enough, we are really struggling right now with how to best organize our project requests and approved projects into portfolios and programs, and then arrange our resources into various resource pools against which to assess capacity. We are taking the approach of dividing up IS resources into pools that are aligned with programs. And then we are faced with doing the hard accounting of allocating partial resources that also support other initiatives outside their primary program across those pools. We started with one main portfolio of 235 active projects, ready to introduce proposed projects requested by the various programs/sub-committees. I am confused by how to use Porfolio Optimizer with that one big porfolio to rank projects in mulitple programs simultaneously, swapping projects in and out by program. Bob G.


Level 2
Hi Robert, We manage a large number of projects for time reporting, capacity planning, and critical path needs. We organize the projects by Business Unit, Line of Business, Customer and Product/sub-product. Plus we also use a standardized naming convention for projects. We have over 40 resource pools. I can share the problems we had and solutions we put in place to manage nearly 900 R&D resources, 250 ProServices resources, 200+ IT resources, etc. We have a large user base (2,000+). PS...I am not a consultant looking for work. :)


Level 3
Greg, learning how you solved such problems would be great. We have a fair ways to go just deploying PM fundamentals. Bob G.