I suspect I'll be the oddball: "School of Hard Knocks"
Been a "computer person" since computers have been around (okay…GEEK!). Completed high school with Honors, GATE, advanced classes, etc. but never went to college. Part of it was money, part of it was lack of direction.
So did graphic design (then: Desktop Publishing) for many years, computer consulting and database work for many years, separations, print, more databases, organization systems, computer programming, web design, web QA, digital asset management, and now Workfront.
I wouldn't necessary recommend the way I did it to any impressionable youth. I just consider myself lucky enough and flexible enough that people toss technology problems to me and walk off expecting me to figure it out. Apparently I do alright, they keep giving me these projects. :-)
Best part? The variety of things I get to learn…some days are frustrating, but overall I really do enjoy my career. :)