Hi Workfront fam!
I am a new system admin for a team of 175 users. We've experienced a dip in system usage and I've been asked to uncover the underlying cause and ID ways to address.
I'm hoping to collect user feedback to gather insights that will help me ID ways to increase usage, areas that need to be refreshed and drive system optimization.
Thank you in advance for your feedback and support. Looking forward to continuing to learn more as a new admin.
Thank you,
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We found this very difficult after our first year with WF. Man, I can't believe it's been a year already…
Our users don't want to speak their minds candidly about what's painful (with those few exceptions every office has) or can't quite articulate their needs. Or are just too busy to stop and be bothered. We guess the best we can but know there are likely quite a bit more friction points than what we hear about.
Users gripe amongst themselves, but as admins it doesn't generally reach us. I definitely latch-on to those items that do percolate to me though, and try to make it clear they can always come to me and give feedback, vent, gripe, and pick nits all they want. And I attack problems as quickly as I am able as a show that we care.
In the end, we hired a consultant versed in WF, and that effort is ongoing. The hope was users would be more candid if the SysAdmins were out of the loop; less confrontational feeling. So far they haven't uncovered much we didn't already know, but it may be the solutions they offer that are what is important.
Verdict is still out. I look forward to seeing what this thread brings to light. Hoping for a lightbulb moment.
Definitely bookmarking this one to see what other folks have to share, great topic idea!
I am a career sys-admin of a lot of different technologies, only about a year with Workfront but well-versed in user-adoption challenges and process design. Here's the cliff notes from what I've learned over the years.
There is a temptation in any situation like this to do a couple things:
At it's core, the issue isn't that the user-base aren't using the system, the issue is that they aren't telling you why. It's a system issue, but the root is a PR issue. That can happen for a lot of reasons, they don't know how to reach you, they don't know they CAN ask for help, your predecessor was a jerk that yelled at them (seen it), they think you're too busy to be bothered etc.
Solving that is frankly like trying to arm wrestle an octopus, but here's some stunts I've pulled in the past:
I'm going to wrap this one before it becomes a novel, I'll come back later with specific questions on how to get to the solvable things since that's a slightly different angle.
Thank you. This is great!!
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And coming back with actual specific ideas/questions to get what you need:
This becomes a framework of sorts as well -
Are you seeing a drop in usage because:
What does drop in usage mean to you? Users aren't logging in as often? Reports aren't used? Projects aren't being setup properly or tasks not assigned? Business processes are breaking, and data isn't reaching the right people timely?
From there, does the org have a process for requesting changes? If someone needs something new, who/how do they ask? Is there a stakeholder that speaks for each functional group? (And if not, can there be? People may not approach an admin, but they'll vent to their teammates much more easily.)
What reports/features ARE most in-use? Who's using them? That gives you a sense of who the power-users might be to start interviewing etc.
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So. Many. Stories...
To pick two favorites from among my Top 10...
One of the most humbling but insightful suggestions I received from our Sponsor after what I felt was a dazzling introductory meeting was to instead restrict my content to only what the audience needed at that point in time. We tried it at the next session, ending WAY earlier (to the audience's pleasant but slightly confused astonishment), and used a bit of the extra time by admitting the feedback, explain the new approach, and our intention to coach, as and when needed. It did the trick, broke the ice (people reciprocated by admitting the were feeling overwhelmed with trying to learn it all at once), and created positive momentum that carried through for a happy client who's now been around for many years.
And the other (which is indeed my number one), is that I believe there is no substitute for having Workfront become the One Source Of Truth that drives the folks who depend on it, as a foundational motivational factor: make it so, and they will engage.