Hi all, in a video embedded in this Adobe post, under "Differences Between Legacy Workfront...." [thanks Morgan :)] there are changes to current nav vs. what we have in our current instance. I've asked Adobe several times to help us prepare for migration, especially to prepare our users for what to expect. No one has been able to answer if the nav changes in this video will happen or if this video is outdated.
To clarify, we're looking for impact to users NOT RELATED to SSO/login. Anybody out there have anything?
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Hello - unfortunately the link does not go directly to a video - but under the section "Differences Between Legacy Workfront...." is what you can expect. The biggest changes will be that there will be an extra menu bar at the top that allows users to click to additional tools and environments. As an admin I had to get used to the main menu moving to the left hand side and that you access your own profile under the new menu bar vs. the Workfront menu bar - which means that when you login in as someone you can't easily get to their user settings as you could before. You will also have two notification centers - one for Workfront and one in the new menu bar.
After getting used to the new layout, I really like that I can click to Sandbox easily and into other Workfront instances (since I work for an agency)
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THANK YOU MORGAN! Yes, I should have clarified that the video is buried in that doc. Appreciate you confirming those changes still apply. Would love any other tips/observations on impacts to users from the community!
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