Aside from using a one-off Kickstart import, has anyone found a way to import data from an excel/csv file into Workfront??
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Hi Richard,
It's good to see you on the community! I know that we have a few people who are great at Kick-Starts and Excel, tagging @Heather Kulbacki‚ and @Alex Smith‚ to see if they might have some ideas for you. Also, I know that @Workfront Fusion 2.0‚ has connections with Excel that might be helpful, this article goes over some of the things you can do.
Hi Richard -
Within our organization, we use kick-starts regularly to batch-import groups of production projects as part of our campaign planning process. We also use kick-starts to import projects that are annually recurring.
For more details on our process, take a look at the session that I presented at the LEAP conference earlier this year:
Leveraging Kick-Starts within Workfront
What specifically are you trying to import?
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Hi Richard,
I invite you to consider our Excel Updater solution, which (unlike Kickstarts) can do inserts and updates of most of the most common objects within Workfront, can be scheduled and automated in a couple of hours, and does not require special programming expertise.
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@Richard Hughes‚ ,
The API supports updates, and using a tool like Postman you can fairly easily make updates based on values in a CSV file (although I found JSON works better). I recently did a bulk update like this to over 1300 projects using the PUT method, the whole thing took me about 20 minutes. If you haven't used the API before, I would like to encourage you to give it a try, it really isn't so difficult as it seems. In case you are interested, here is some documentation:
Workfront API Basics (specifically the POST and PUT methods would take the place of Kickstarts)
Using Postman to make bulk POST/PUT requests:
Feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions.
We've been using an Excel file with VBScript to post and update data. It's proven very useful when we need to do API work but don't have the resources to write code. For example, below is a screenshot of an update to the home group of existing users. After creating an API-ready URL, simply clicking the "Update Workfront" button kicks off the execution of each URL for every row in the sheet. Let me know if you're interested in using this file and I'll get you setup. A few minutes of training will be required unless you're familiar with VB.
@NRYN R - inactive‚ I would love to hear more about this. I'm looking at API from Excel spreadsheet, but fear, I'm a bit over my head.
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